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CPX Leadership Insights > Greetings from recent world traveler Joe Dan, VP of Customer Success in EMEADestacada0 votos 0 comentarios
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Designed Reporting > What is the best way to get a designed report onto platform for the first time?Respondida0 votos 0 comentarios
Designed Reporting > Is Workiva working to improve design aspects, for example when we import an editable image from a .docx document?Respondida0 votos 0 comentarios
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Respondida0 votos 0 comentarios
Designed Reporting > Do you design you report fully on Workiva or do you use icml and design it with inDesign?Respondida0 votos 0 comentarios
Respondida0 votos 0 comentarios
Respondida0 votos 0 comentarios
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Respondida0 votos 0 comentarios
Respondida0 votos 0 comentarios
Designed Reporting > Can you begin working on you report design while report reviews are still underway?Respondida0 votos 0 comentarios
Designed Reporting > When editing, adding content, moving it around, how do you do that without destroying the design aspect of it?Respondida0 votos 0 comentarios
Designed Reporting > Does Workiva have a list of recommended designers/providers that are upskilled on designing reports?Respondida0 votos 0 comentarios