Do you know what to do prior to filing? Here are some tips and best practices to help you have a smooth filing. Download the checklist here .
XBRL review
To make sure the XBRL in your filing document is ready, here are some high-level guidelines and links to articles to help you:
▢ Make sure all necessary calculation relationships are added to your document and review the calculation report for errors.
▢ Make sure the XBRL fact value has an appropriate sign (+/-).
▢ Review Cover Page and DEI facts close to filing date when all data is available.
▢ Generate XBRL and review messages in the notification panel.
▢ Preview the document in the SEC Viewer.
EDGAR checklist
Here are some things you can do in the days leading up to your filing and the day of your filing to help you have a successful filing.
Days before filing
In the days leading up to your filing:
▢ Make sure the person performing your filing has the Filing role in your workspace.
▢ Get your CIK Confirmation Code (CCC) and SEC password. Confirm that the SEC password has not expired.
▢ Make sure exhibits are in separate files, that they are listed in the Exhibit Index section of the document, and that the Exhibit Index is hyperlinked.
▢ Make sure the Exhibit Index section is before the final signature in your document
▢ Review Document Health and fix any issues.
▢ Review image requirements and restrictions so they follow the SEC guidelines.
▢ Ensure files in the Collect step are up to date and regenerate XBRL if needed.
▢ Generate XBRL in the main filing document and resolve validation errors.
▢ Start the filing, preview the EDGAR HTM files, and make formatting changes.
▢ Update filing documents after making changes.
▢ Run through the Filing steps, but do not complete a live filing at this time.
▢ Review all filing health messages and resolve all warnings.
▢ Test file early.
▢ Continue to monitor any changes to EDGAR for corresponding changes to XBRL.
▢ Continue to update XBRL as necessary and resolve XBRL validation messages.
▢ After any XBRL update, perform a quick check through the SEC Viewer.
Day of filing
In the hours leading up to live filing:
▢ Finish making any changes to filing documents at least a couple hours before the planned filing time.
▢ Verify that the signature date is correct on the signature page.
▢ Verify that the quarter-end and signature dates are updated in the certification exhibits.
▢ Preview the EDGAR files, make formatting changes, and update documents.
▢ Run through Filing steps one last time to make sure all filing health warnings are resolved.
▢ After all changes are final, regenerate the document and XBRL.
▢ Test file one last time (at least a couple hours before planned filing time).
Potential filing disruptions
While following the guidelines in this article lend to a successful filing, there are factors outside your control that can prevent the submission. To mitigate risks of filing delays, review the Prepare for the Unexpected article. Your Customer Success Manager is also available to help you prepare a backup plan.