This article is for:
You need an XBRL profile to assign a taxonomy, calendar, and necessary company information to your document. XBRL Profiles allow you to apply XBRL for different taxonomies to the same document. Simply create a profile for each taxonomy you want to use. You must select an XBRL profile before tagging facts.
XBRL profile basics
Here are some important things to know about XBRL profiles:
- One document can have multiple profiles. This is useful when you want to use different taxonomies for the same document. When you open the Manage Profile dialog box, you can easily see which profiles are associated with the document you have open.
- One profile can have multiple documents. Any changes you make to a profile affects all the documents that use it.
- Any time you roll forward documents attached to an XBRL profile, new documents and a new profile are created. You will need to roll forward the dates in the copied XBRL profile.
- 10-Q and 10-K documents must each have a different profile.
- Always make sure you are using the correct taxonomy and migrate to a new taxonomy when appropriate.
When documents share an XBRL Profile:
- Generating XBRL for one document in a shared XBRL profile generates the XBRL simultaneously for all other documents that are using that profile.
- When an XBRL profile has multiple documents, generate XBRL with the primary document, such as the 10-Q or 10-K.
- A profile can have only one XBRL outline. When you add another document to a profile, its outline is merged with the existing outline.
XBRL profile best practices
- Keep XBRL profile names consistent, such as customer-name quarter year (ABC Company Q2 2024 or ABC Co 10-K 2024)
- Use one profile for multiple documents when you plan to file the documents together, such as an 8-K and 10-Q.
- When you want to use more than one taxonomy for a document, simply create a profile for each taxonomy you want to use and switch to the appropriate profile when working in the document.
- Archive old XBRL profiles as soon as you are done with them. This helps to make sure all current documents are using the correct profile. You can copy XBRL from an archived profile. When you migrate to a new taxonomy, the old profile is automatically archived.
Create and assign an XBRL profile
One document can have multiple profiles. This is useful when you want to roll-forward to a new taxonomy.
What You Need:
- Taxonomy used for the filing jurisdiction, such as US GAAP 2024 or ECD 2024
- Company ID is the company identifier for the current registrar, such as a central index key (CIK) for the SEC or legal entity identifier (LEI) for ESEF.
- Prefix is an alphanumeric identifier that is a shortened reference for the namespace, used for extension concepts and custom units. This is often a company stock ticker symbol or an abbreviation of the company name.
- Namespace is a valid URL, such as (exclude the s if using an https URL)
- Fiscal Calendar that you set up before creating an XBRL profile
To create and assign an XBRL profile:
- 1
- Open the document, click the XBRL tab, and make sure Show XBRL is on.
- 2
- Click Select Taxonomy on the XBRL toolbar.
- 3
- Click Create New Profile and choose a calendar and taxonomy.
- 4
- Enter your company info, then click Create Profile. The profile is created and assigned to the current document.
Edit an XBRL profile
To make changes to an XBRL profile:
- 1
- Click on the active Profile on the XBRL toolbar.
- 2
- Choose Edit Profile in the drop-down menu at the top right.
- 3
- Make changes to the profile and click Save Changes to finish.
Switch XBRL profiles
- 1
- Open the document, click the XBRL tab, and make sure Show XBRL is on.
- 2
- Click on the active Profile on the XBRL toolbar.
- 3
- Choose Use a Different Profile from the drop-down menu in the top right.
Add a document to an XBRL profile
If you’d like to add another document to the current profile, as for a mutual fund filing, you can follow these steps.
- 1
- Click on the active Profile on the XBRL toolbar.
- 2
- Select the Documents tab in the XBRL Profile dialog box to see documents associated with the active profile.
- 3
- Click Add documents, then choose the document(s) that you’d like to add to the active profile.
Remove an XBRL profile from a document
To remove an XBRL profile from a document:
- 1
- Click on the active Profile on the XBRL toolbar.
- 2
- Select the Documents tab in the XBRL Profile dialog box to see documents associated with the active profile.
- 3
- Highlight a document and open the action menu to the right, then select Remove to remove the document from the active profile.
Combine documents
You can combine multiple documents using the same profile into a single document using the Combine option in a profile.
Archive an XBRL profile
To hide an XBRL profile from use, but keep it in the system:
- 1
- Click on the active Profile on the XBRL toolbar.
- 2
- Select Archive Profile from the drop-down menu in the top right corner.
- 1
- Click on the active Profile on the XBRL toolbar.
- 2
- From the Actions dropdown in the top right of the dialog box, select Use a Different Profile.
- 3
- In the Select Profile dialog box, adjust the filters to include Archived Profiles.
- 4
- Click on the archived profile that you would like to access, click Select Profile, followed by Unarchive, followed by Apply.
Change viewing language for ESEF profiles
If you are using an ESEF profile and you need to view your document in another language, you can use the Viewing In... field to change the language you are using to view the document. This will not change the language the document is generated in, which is controlled by the document owner in Document Properties.
Manage profile metadata for ESEF
ESEF XBRL profiles can include additional metadata within the filing document’s taxonomyPackage.xml file. This provides metadata about the extension taxonomy you are filing, which can be useful to people and software consuming the filing. These fields are optional and not required to be filled out. You can find the technical information about this file within the XBRL Taxonomy Packages information..
In Workiva, some of this information is automatically generated based on information already in the platform. To manage these fields, open the XBRL Profile and navigate to the Profile Metadata tab. Here, you can scroll to see the available options and provide the appropriate values. Click out of a field after entering a value to save your work, as clicking Apply will apply the selected profile to the document instead of saving information on this tab.