Data Storage and Retrieval using Wdata
Have you hit the spreadsheet cell limit? Are you in need of storing large sets of data? Then Wdata is the place for you! Wdata allows you to centralize your data storage and execute queries to use that data for your reporting needs.
To make your data easily accessible in Workiva, you will store it in a table. This first requires you to create a table and upload your data sets. Common types of data that you may need to store include trial balance data, transactional data, or even account mapping information.
Once you are ready to analyze the data you have available in Workiva, you will create a Query. Queries are great for drilling into your data and pulling the exact subset of your overall data that you need for reports. Queries can also perform calculations, such as aggregation.
To visualize your query results and perform one off analysis, you can create a view from the query. Use a view to create a pivot table or chart to visualize your query results for initial analysis.
Last but not least, you can connect your queries to sheets in Wdesk to make the data easily accessible to end users!
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