To ease analysis and understanding, a view's Owner or Editor can set its data to appear as a flat table or pivot table.
Set up a table
To represent query results in a tabular format, set up the view as flat or pivot table. For example, you can design the view as a flat table for general reference or analysis, or a pivot table to help summarize the data.
To choose how to display the query results, select the table's Layout on the toolbar:
- Flat View displays the results as a flat table, with all of the query's fields as separate columns.
- Classic Pivot displays the results as a pivot view, with the selected fields as separate rows and columns, with totals at the end of each row.
- Compact Pivot displays the data as a compressed pivot view, the fields selected to display as rows in a single hierarchical column.
Tip: From the toolbar, you can select whether to Expand all or Collapse all values within a table.
For a classic or compact pivot, set up its rows and columns, as well as any filters, values, or totals:
- From the Pivot Builder panel, select which fields from the query results to include in the view.
- To specify how to use each field, drag it to under Rows, Columns, or View Filters.
- To summarize the query results, drag the field to sum or count to under Values, and then click Subtotals , and select whether to include its total for columns or rows.
- Click Save , Save.
Format column data
To filter or sort a table by a column, click its header and apply its settings.
- To use the column as a filter, select the values to include in the table.
- To sort the column's values in ascending or descending order, click AZ or ZA, respectively.
Note: By default, the pivot table sums values. To use a different calculation with a value, right-click on it, select Aggregation, and select the formula to apply.
For each column, you can set up how its data should appear.
- Click Format , and select Format Cells ; right-click on a value, and select Number Formatting; or click Column Formats on the right panel.
- Select the column to format.
- In Column Type, select whether to display the column's data as a string, number, date string, or timestamp.
- In Text Align, select whether to align the data to the left or right.
- In Thousand Separator, select the separator to use with amounts in the thousands, such as a comma, period, or none.
- In Null Value, enter the text to appear when a column is empty. To not display any text, leave blank.
- For a number column, specify how to display its amounts:
- In Decimal Separator, select whether to separate the integer and fractional parts of the number with a period or comma.
- In Max Decimal Spaces, enter how many digits to display for the fractional part of the number.
- In Currency Symbol, enter the symbol to use with monetary amounts, such as $.
- Select whether to format the number as a percent.
- Click Apply.
- Click Save , Save.
Conditionally format values
To help ease understanding or highlight special circumstances, you can set conditional formatting for values in the table.
- Right-click on a value, and select Conditional Formatting; or click Format , and select Conditional Formatting .
- To add a new format, click Add (+).
- For Value, select whether to apply the format to all values or only a specific value, and when to apply the format, such as "Less than 0" or "Empty".
- For Format, select the font type, size, and color to display values as with the format applied.
- Click Apply.
- Click Save , Save.