This article is for:
- Workspace members with the ESG role
ESG Program acts as the central hub for the data collection and reporting of your company's Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) topics.
From ESG Program , you can:
- Organize the topics that matter—or are material—to your ESG reporting
- Collect data and values—or metrics—for each topic
- Automate and track data collection tasks
- Align metrics with framework disclosures and standards in ESG Explorer
- Curate files related to your ESG reporting, such as for data collection and materiality assessment
Organize ESG topics and metrics to report
From the outline of ESG Program, you can add the topics and metrics to disclose in your ESG reporting.
- Topics — which appear in bold in the outline — indicate the specific ESG factors that the ESG Program addresses and can categorize those factors by theme. For example, an Environmental topic may include more granular topics such as Energy and Waste, while a Social topic may include topics like Diversity & inclusion (D&I) and Human rights.
- Metrics enable data collection of values for each topic. For example, a Scope 1 emissions topic may have metrics to collect values to disclose for Stationary combustion, Mobile combustion, and Refrigerants.
Tip: To help ease scanning and quickly identify the context of topics, you can apply icons to them in the outline.
Learn more about the outline in Manage an ESG Program's outline.
Track and automate data collection
After you add a topic to your ESG program, click it to manage its data collection. From a topic, you can add metrics to curate each value to collect.
For each metric, you can track:
- The content from ESG Explorer that it aligns with, such as framework or questionnaire disclosures
- Reference files, such as reporting guidelines or example calculations
- Its value and any related source Spreadsheet or Document
- Any additional details your organization tracks for ESG topics, as Program tags
To request that team members collect or approve the metric's value, you can set up data collection tasks:
- Assign the data collection and approval to workspace members
- Set due dates for assigned workspace members
- Provide instructions or guidance to help ease accurate data collection
After you set up a metric's value, click Send task to begin its data collection. When you start the process, the metric automatically emails tasks notifications to collaborators.
- For a metric with a request the assignee receives a data collection task. When they complete their task, the approver automatically receives a task to verify the data.
- For a metric without a request, whoever added the metric receives a data collection task.
To manage data collection tasks for ESG programs, select Tasks from Home .
Learn more about topic metrics in Manage metrics for ESG Program topics and Track data collection of ESG Program metrics.
Collaborate with others
ESG reporting is a team sport! In addition to delegating requested data collection, an ESG Program's Owner can set permissions to ensure workspace members have appropriate access to the Program.