Certifications helps you get information and sign-off from key players in an efficient, timely, and transparent manner. With Certifications in Processes, you can create letters and collect signatures, reuse letters as templates for future certifications, and easily monitor and track multiple certifications against your deadlines all within the processes tool.
Create certification letters
After creating a process, begin your certifications by adding text, questions, and attachments to letters to address your specific certification needs. You can save time for future certifications by creating templates from existing letters to reuse.
Add certification actions to processes
Add certification actions to processes to assign letters to signers and approvers and specify any deadlines for the certifications. A single letter can be used in multiple certification actions in a process.
Monitor your certifications
As letters are signed and approved, real-time reports will provide visibility into the current statuses of your certifications. You’ll also be able to export these reports if you want to keep them as separate records.