How to access file content after conditional branch in Chains?
回答済み- I have some file content generated by some commands, let’s say Advanced Query
- I then have a group command, with a conditional that checks some condition
- If the condition matches, I modify the file by adding a column using the Insert Column command
- At the end of the group (i.e. group out) I now need to work with this file content. However, I cannot reference Advanced Query’s output as I might have modified it via Insert Column command. I cannot use the output of Insert Column because the conditional might not have been met and that output might be invalid.
- So how do I get the latest output? (Advanced Query’s output if the conditional was not met, Insert Column if the conditional was met).
I tried writing to a file and reading from it but it does not work - I always get a File not Found on List File Content if I use Create File or even Stack Files that does take a file name to write to. So if I cannot use files how do I resolve this issue?
Here is a fragment of my chain:
Hi Waldo, I think a better solution to this would be to adjust your architecture so that you have a fail path on your condition. Each branch could then call a sub routine chain that would handle and accept the appropriate input. In the case of the success path, you would insert the new column first and pass the resulting output to the sub routine. The fail path would just pass the advanced query output.
Alternatively, if you stuck with your current architecture, you could probably do it by dumping the file contents into a dynamic variable and updating the variable as need while the chain progresses. When it's time to call your final List File Content, first create a new file by dumping the variable contents into it and then running the list file contents on the newly created file. Below is a high level screenshot of what it may look like using a dynamic variable:
0So dynamic variables are out - problem is List Content is orange as it says the output is too large. So I cannot use it as my dynamic variable is null when this happens. Chains - this is SO hard. problem is I have two of these conditional splits. Normally I'd put the grouped section in a chain and call it as a subroutine. This does not work as the grouped section has two outputs and a chain cannot return two outputs as one output. It just shifts the issue downstream.
So I have to break the chain up in non logical sections of partial chains. I will try that now.
0I clearly do not understand chains at all. I cannot get this working. I have a chain 1, 2 and 3. Chain 1 calls chain 2, chain 2 calls chain 3. Chain 1 runs an Advanced Query and generates some output:
Output CSV
Record Count
Command Details
Chain 1 takes the output of Advanced Query (Result), of type File, and passes it to Chain 2 which has a Runtime Parameter called Source File, also of type File. Chain 2 takes this parameter and calls Chain 3, which also has a Source File runtime parameter of type File, and passes the Source File runtime input it received to Chain 3.
Chain 3 tries to run an Advanced Query on that Source File runtime input file and fails:
⚙️ Command Configuration: 1
Input file: None
Output file: <none>
Delimiter: ,
Preview: true
Header line: 0
Command: Query
Tables: [{"file":"output-1620760297585.csv","table":"tmp_tbl"},{"file":"query_result_1620760335448.csv","table":"tmp_tbl_existing"}]
Output Delimiter: ,
Query: select distinct * from tmp_tbl where Account not in (select distinct Account_Code from tmp_tbl_existing)
Querying file...
Error with table tmp_tbl: stat output-1620760297585.csv: no such file or directory
Elapsed Time:27.645759ms
Return Code:2
Exit message:stat output-1620760297585.csv: no such file or directory
Why can it not find file output-1620760297585.csv?
0Passing a file from Chain 1 to Chain 2 and then to Chain 3 will result in the "no such file" error unfortunately. The file can be found and use by Chain 2 though. It appears that files can only be passed one level deep. I am investigating if this is by design or a bug and will provide an update when more information is learned.
A workaround is to manipulate the file in a meaningless way in Chain 2 and pass that output to Chain 3. An example is to use Advanced Query to select everything (select * from table) from the file which will create a copy. Then pass the resulting output from Advanced Query to Chain 3. This will keep the file "one level deep" since you're passing a file created in Chain 2 to Chain 3.