Copies of Conditional Formatting
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Stacked Area Chart
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Apply formatting - linked values to textbox in Presentation
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Resize rows to fit cell contents option in Presentations
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Ability for a table to break over a number of pages in Presentations
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Numbered List style
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Export Powerpoint - format is off
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Superscript in Chart title
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Museo Slab 500 - Trying to make bold
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Presentations: able to group items/objects
5 voti 2 commenti
Add Speaker Notes to Presentations
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Decreasing the Font Size of Comments
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Resize rows to fit cell contents in table in presentation
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Stacking Bar Chart with Multiple Column Data
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Listen to Prior Webcasts
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Image rotates when presentation is exported to PDF
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Replace doesn't work on Presentations?
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Add Parameters for Chart Labels
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is there a way to adjust the x-axis scale on a chart to first of each month?
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Presentation templates - ability to modify after selection
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Radio Buttons
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Issue on table format when exporting in PPT
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Auto connection refresh and publish to linked powerpoint
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Power Point Graph
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Presentation Export to PPT - hidden slides get exported
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Chart formatting - data labels
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Presentation Enhancements - templates and conversions
3 voti 3 commenti
Table Borders
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Linking page numbers
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