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Table sizing

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10 commenti

  • Lena L

    I have the same issue too.  I was trying to reduce the width of the columns by dragging the adjuster but the columns just went down to 3 and I can't move it back.  The only thing that seems to re-set it is to refresh my screen.  Is something going on in the background?

  • Brock Helwig

    Hello Javon Moran and Lena L,

    I hope your day is off to a great start!

    We often times see this when our tables stretch outside the bounds of the section margins.  Can you confirm whether your table is smaller or larger than the set margins in the section properties?  A great indicator is our total table width in comparison to the ruler at the top. If the table is larger, decrease the left/right margin size or reduce the size of the content and shrink the table.

    Thanks and our team looks forward to hearing back from you!

  • Lena L

    Hi Brock, I know that if table width is larger than the margin then it automatically shrinks your column widths.  But these are cases that the table width is not larger than the margin and also in cases where I am trying to reduce the column width instead of increasing it.  So it is kind of strange,  Just seems to start happening in the past few days.  Again, refreshing my screen seems to fix it.  But it is annoying to have to keep refreshing screen.  

  • Javon Moran

    Hello Brock.  Mine is outside the bounds of the section margins.  I added columns in and now i am trying to shrink them all so that they fit.  I have also tried this with column inside the margin and the same thing happens.  It will automatically drop it to down to 3.  I will try refreshing my screen and see if that works.

  • Brock Helwig

    Hey Lena L and Javon Moran,

    Thanks for the clarification!

    Do you have time today to touch base with our support team and reference this community post?  I haven't seen this with the Next Generation platform and having someone on the phone may help with this specific issue.  Also, I do recommend sending our IT Allowlisting and Network Setup Guide to your IT teams.  I think this may have something to do with our connection and smaller issues like this are sometimes rectified after the updates are made.  

    Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!

  • Paige Hamack

    Hi - I have this issue as well today. My table is outside the margins. When I bring it inside the margins it auto adjusts the columns all to size 3 (which results in a table way narrower than the margins) and the columns won't readjust up. Please advise.

  • Mike

    That sounds less than fun, Paige. I've gone ahead and drummed up a request for you and will that to our Support folks to have them contact you to see if we can diagnose the problem. Thanks for letting us know and chat soon!

  • Jonathan Kim

    Hello, I'm having same problem as Paige above. Could someone help me as well?

  • Mike

    Hi Jonathan!

    After chatting with some of our experts, what Paige was experiencing is expected behavior in Workiva. For example, when you attempt to adjust columns on a table wider than the margins, the application will force the table back within the margins by making the columns as narrow as possible. To adjust column width on a table outside of the margins, the best workaround is to create a blank section in the file, set the margins to 0, copy and paste the table into that new blank section, and then make the adjustments and then paste the table back into place.

    If this does not resolve for you or you would like a demonstration, we would recommend contacting Customer Support. Let me know if you have any questions for me in the meantime. Cheers!

  • Sehansheel Nandwani

    There is a solution for this - if you go into the settings - change the columns to 1


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