With queries, you can aggregate and segment data from multiple tables or spreadsheets in the Workiva platform based on specific criteria. To create a query, you can select its components in a drag-and-drop Builder mode, or compose its syntax in a SQL editor. When you create a query, you:
- Add the source columns to include in the query results.
- Create filters or parameters to focus on specific records.
- Configure calculations or filters to automatically apply formulas.
- Set up relationships between sources that share corresponding data.
To view the data that meet the query's criteria, run the query. From the query results, you can compile and explore data that share characteristics. To use a query's results:
- Create views of the data for rich analysis and comparison
- Connect the data to sheets in Spreadsheets
- Export to Workiva Spreadsheets, Wdata tables, Microsoft Excel®, comma-separated values (CSV) files, or portable document files (PDFs)
To manage your queries, from Wdata Home, select the Queries tab. For each query, you can see when it was created and details about its most recent modification. For additional information, such as its sources and dependent views or spreadsheets, select its row.
Learn more about creating queries.