With the Workiva Carbon Refresh Chain Template, you can download your Workiva Carbon data and import it in Wdata Tables. Leveraging inputs from a Control Sheet, the Chain has the capability to either fetch data for all months within the designated year from Workiva Carbon and refresh the tables or obtain data for a specific month within the defined year and incorporate it into your Workiva Carbon Data model.
- The following templates must be enabled and configured in your workspace:
- The following connectors must be enabled and configured in your workspace:
- The following workspace variables will need to be created with the names and input with the appropriate information:
- wsv-WdataLoadWarningThreshold
- wsv-WorkivaCarbon-Ledger-TableID - the Wdata table ID from the imported "Workiva Carbon Ledger Table"
- wsv-WorkivaCarbon-GroupHierarchy-TableID - the Wdata table ID from the imported "Workiva Carbon Group Hierarchy" table
- wsv-WorkivaCarbon-GroupEntryMapping-TableID - the Wdata table ID from the "Workiva Carbon Group Entry Mapping" table
wsv-WorkivaCarbonSchemaName - the designated Schema name for your Workiva Carbon instance
Deploy the Chain
The 1.0 Workiva Carbon Refresh template is located in the Workiva Chains section of the Templates screen.
Here's how to find it:
- In Chain Builder, go to the Templates tab
- Select Workiva Chains from the menu at the top
- Search for Carbon Refresh at the top right and open the template
- After locating the template, click New Chain to deploy it to your workspace
Note: Once configured, each chain in this template must be published to the workspace.
Configure the template
- Download the Workiva Carbon Template.tar.gz and import it into your Workspace
- This will import your Workiva Carbon Lead Sheet and all the Wdata Tables and Queries for the template
Note: The Table IDs of each table for later use when configuring the Workspace Variables and the Spreadsheet ID of your lead sheet when configuring the Chain Variables
- This will import your Workiva Carbon Lead Sheet and all the Wdata Tables and Queries for the template
- Refresh all the Queries on the Incoming connections right-hand-panel after importing the template
- Update the Workspace Variables for all of your Workiva Carbon Tables (Ledger, Group Hierarchy, & Group Entry Mapping)
- Update the Cv-Spreadsheet ID in Chain settings of the 1.0 Workiva Carbon Refresh Chain
Variable Type | Variable Name | Variable Purpose |
Workspace variable | WorkivaCarbon-Ledger-TableID | Wdata Table used to store data the Ledger Data from Workiva Carbon |
Workspace variable | WorkivaCarbon-GroupHierarchy-TableID | Wdata Table used to store data the Group Hierarchy Data from Workiva Carbon |
Workspace variable | WorkivaCarbon-GroupEntryMapping-TableID | Wdata Table used to store data the Group Entry Mapping Data from Workiva Carbon |
Workspace variable | WorkivaCarbonSchemaName | The defined Schema Name from your Workiva Carbon Instance |
Chain variable | Spreadsheet ID | The Workiva Carbon Spreadsheet created from the Workiva Carbon Template.tar.gz import |
Note: See Find IDs for Workiva files and items for assistance with locating IDs
Run the Template
1.0 Workiva Carbon Refresh Chain
- Update the Control sheet in columns B2:D2 respective of a full year refresh or a single month refresh
- In the configured Template, click the Execute button
- Click the Run Chain button
- As the template runs, navigate to the Status Sheet in your Workiva Carbon Spreadsheet to view the status of the Run.
Using the Load Data to Wdata Chain, the Workiva Carbon Ledger Wdata table will replace its current dataset(s) with the newly downloaded data.
Execution Result
Here is an example of the Status Sheet in the Workiva Carbon Spreadsheet:
Completed Chain:
- Ensure the sub chains Update Status, Load Data to Wdata, and Maintain Wdata Parameters are all published
- Verify the correct IDs are specified. For assistance identifying IDs within Workiva, reference Find IDs for Workiva files and items
- Verify that the Workiva Carbon Template.tar.gz files imported successfully. Reference the Importing Wdata Files and Import a Workiva file help articles
- Verify that the Workspace Variables have been filed out completely
- Verify you are using the correct Workiva Carbon Schema Name
- Verify the Workiva Connector has necessary permissions to execute commands in the selected Environment(s)
- Ensure that you have appropriately added your regions IP list for Wdata Chains to your networks Allow List