While ESG Program metrics collect single annual values by default, you can set up a metric to collect multiple values based on:
- Biannual, quarterly, or monthly data frequency
- A custom dimension, such as location or business unit
From a metric, you can set up its values' data collection from the Configure metric panel.
Note: You can configure a metric only when its tasks have not yet been sent for data collection. To edit a metric's configuration, first cancel its in-progress tasks.
Set up the values' type and frequency
From a metric, you can collect a single annual value, or multiple values on a monthly, quarterly, or biannual basis. For example, while you may track purchased energy based on monthly utility bills, you may collect other values less frequently.
From the Configure metric panel, in Metric value, select the type of value to collect, and how often:
- In Collection frequency, select how often to collect the metric's values — Yearly, Biannually, Quarterly, or Monthly.
Note: If you edit a metric's frequency, you remove any values entered for the previous frequency's periods. To return to those values, you can select their original frequency again, but any you'll have to reconnect any source files.
- In Value type, select the type of data to collect for the metric:
- Number, such as for a quantitative value or measurement
- Currency, for a monetary amount
- Percent, for a percentage or rate
- Text, such as for a qualitative response
- Date, such as for time-based data
- For a Number, Currency, or Percent, select its unit of measurement.
Note: If the unit of measurement you need isn't available as an option, enter it in Value unit as a custom unit unique to the metric.
Set requirements for values
From the Configure metric panel, you can set requirements for a metric's values as needed for your data collection needs.
In Metric values:
- Enable Require notes to ensure assignees enter metric notes, such as for footnotes or reporting narratives.
- Enable Require supporting attachments to ensure assignees upload evidentiary files, such as calculations or utility bills.
If enabled, assignees must provide the required details when they prepare values through Workiva Tasks, a source file's ESG metrics panel, or the metric itself.
Note: When you enable a requirement, it applies to all of the metric's values and their tasks, except those already Completed.
Collect values based on a dimension
You can track multiple values for a single metric based on a dimension custom to your company, such as to collect data for different locations, business units, or demographics. When you apply a dimension to a metric, you can choose which of its values to apply, such as to collect data for only specific sites of a Location dimension.
- From Metric value, select the Program year and collection period to begin to use the dimensional values.
Note: When you apply a dimension to a metric, it applies to values for the Program year, starting with the selected period for metrics with a frequency other than Yearly.
- From the Configure metric panel, click Manage metric dimensions.
- Click Select dimension, and choose the dimension to apply to the metric.
Tip: Workspace Owners can set up the available dimensions from Program overview.
Note: If you apply a different dimension to a metric, you remove any values entered for the previous dimension. To return to those values, you can select their dimension again, but you'll have to reconnect any source files.
- Select which of the dimension's values to collect for the metric, and click Apply.
In Metric value, you can then manage each dimensional value, including its assignments and any supporting material.
Collect values based on multiple dimensions (EAP)
Note: The ability to apply multiple dimensions is currently only available for Early Adopter Program (EAP) participants.
You can collect multiple values within the same metric based on multiple custom dimensions, such as to track data by gender and ethnicity for multiple office locations. To tailor the metric's data collection, you can also choose which of the dimensions' values to apply, such as to collect data for only specific sites within a Location dimension.
- From Metric value, select the Program year and collection period to begin to use the dimensional values.
Note: When you apply a dimension to a metric, it applies to values for the Program year, starting with the selected period for metrics with a frequency other than Yearly.
- From the Configure metric panel, click Manage metric dimensions.
- For each dimension to apply to the metric, click Add dimension, then select the dimension and which of its values to add.
Tip: Workspace Owners can set up the available dimensions from Program overview.
Note: If you apply a different dimension to a metric, you remove any values entered for the previous dimension. To return to those values, you can select their dimension again, but you'll have to reconnect any source files.
- After you add all necessary dimensions, click Next.
- Select which combination of values to collect with the metric, and click Apply.
In Metric value, you can then manage each dimensional value combination, including its assignments and any supporting material.