How to pass variables from one chain to another
已回答I am currently using Workiva chains, and have a structure in which one chain uses the Run Chain command to call another chain inside of it. Inside of that secondary chain, I want to set up a conditional that is based upon a variable that is set in the original chain.
How do I pass a variable value set in the first chain to then be used by the second chain?
Hi Alec Benton,
Within your secondary chain, you can configure it to start with a Runtime Input. Then pass the value of the variable from your primary chain to the secondary chain via the Runtime Input. You can learn more about setting up Runtime Inputs for a Chain here
0Hi Jeff,
Thanks for the response. It looks like I missed that the run chain command adds an extra field for input after the runtime input event is added in the secondary chain. My issue has now been resolved.
Thank you.
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