To define variables for a chain when it runs, use a Runtime Inputs trigger event. With this event, the chain prompts for its variables' values each time it runs, so you can use the same chain in multiple contexts.
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Add the Runtime Inputs trigger event
- In the chain, click Trigger Events
- Under Basic Info, enter a unique name and description to help identify the event.
- Under Variables, set up the inputs to prompt for when the chain runs.
- Click Save.
Note: You can include only one trigger event in a chain.
Set up a text input
To prompt for a text value when the chain runs:
- Under Variables, click Add Input, and select TextField.
- Enter a unique name and description to help identify the value requested.
- Select whether to require the input when the chain runs.
- Enter any default value for the input.
Set up a Boolean input
To prompt for a binary Boolean value—such as true/false or on/off—when the chain runs:
- Under Variables, click Add Input, and select BooleanField.
- Enter a unique name and description to help identify the value requested.
- Select whether to require the input when the chain runs.
- Select the default value for the input.
Set up a number input
To prompt for a numerical value when the chain runs:
- Under Variables, click Add Input, and select NumberField.
- Enter a unique name and description to help identify the value requested.
- Select whether to require the input when the chain runs.
- Enter any default value for the input.
- To ensure applicable values, for Validations, select whether to enter a minimum or maximum value for the input.
Set up a dropdown input
To select from a list of values when the chain runs:
- Under Variables, click Add Input, and select DropdownField.
- Enter a unique name and description to help identify the value requested.
- Select whether to require the input when the chain runs.
- Under Options, add the values to choose from, and enter how each option should appear in the dropdown to select from.
- Select the default value for the dropdown.
Set up an array input
To prompt for a list of values when the chain runs:
- Under Variables, click Add Input, and select ArrayField.
- Enter a unique name and description to help identify the value requested.
- Select whether to require the input when the chain runs.
Set up a group input
To prompt for a group of related values when the chain runs:
- Under Variables, click Add Input, and select GroupField.
- Enter a unique name and description to help identify the group.
- Select whether to require the group's inputs when the chain runs.
- Select whether the group is a list of inputs.
- Add the group's runtime inputs.
Set up a file input
To prompt for a file to be uploaded when the chain runs:
- Under Variables, click Add Input, and select FileField.
- Enter a unique name and description to help identify the file requested.
- Select whether to require the file when the chain runs.
Arrange runtime inputs
To adjust the order in which the chain prompts for an input when the chain runs, grab its anchor
and move it to the desired position.Delete a runtime input
To no longer prompt for an input when the chain runs, delete it from the trigger event:
- In the chain, Edit for Runtime Inputs .
- Under Variables, click Delete for the input to remove.
- Click Save.