Accidental changes to spreadsheet or document
Hi, can you tell me how an admin can remove accidental changes to a spreadsheet or document? In the old days of section locking, it used to be quite straightforward to remove or share changes to unlock the section. We have a situation whereby one user is accidentally copying incorrectly and so creating unwanted changes in our document.
Can you please give directions on how I can remove her changes? Although we have track changes in the document, which makes rejecting a change simple, we do not have track changes in our spreadsheet.
Hi Barbara you can copy/paste from the correct revision and update accordingly.
Here is an article on this. Revisions and history in Spreadsheets – Support Center0Hi Isaac, thanks but that is not to the point. I know all the options for revealing the history in spreadsheets etc. Specifically, I was looking for information on how an account admin (which I am) can REJECT changes made to the spreadsheet. Not reveal or see them, or blackline them, but reject them.
0Hi Barbara
Please make sure track changes is turned on in your spreadsheet. If track changes are turned off, there will be no changes to reject. Here is an article-1On a related note, it would be nice to be able to explicitly *revert* to / restore a previous file version, as you can in (e.g.) Microsoft Office. The reasons for this are multiple:
- If you have a version you know is "good," it saves the time and trouble of BOTH identifying all the unwanted changes that were made to it AND actually undoing those changes.
- If you are using Designed Reporting (especially), there is an extra layer of complexity to #1 in both figuring out what formatting changes were made and reverting them.
- (Related) We all know there are times when formatting "acts up" for some reason: e.g., you can't get something aligned quite right. Especially with Designed Reporting, I'm wondering if copy-and-paste would always work to address these scenarios easily.
- Finally, there is simply the peace of mind that comes knowing a file has been fully reverted rather than wondering if, e.g., some change might have still been missed, or some other (unwanted) change inadvertently made at the same time.
The new version could then be automatically captioned (in the History) area with something like "Reverted to version YYYY-MM-DD" etc., and possibly versions in between with something like "Changes removed by reversion."
I realize there would be some complexity with Links and Connections; i.e., I wouldn't actually want to revert linked content or connections as part of reverting, only everything else. The same might apply to Comments and Track Changes. So I get that there would have to be some contingent logic for those.
Track Changes is probably ideal in many cases to avoid this, but it doesn't work for every scenario, may not be turned on before it's "too late," or changes may have already been accepted. I also don't believe it covers all changes that may be made to a document.
1HI Andrew McKenzie
Thank you for your feedback here! I will get you added to an idea ticket for this feature. On that ticket, you will be updated with any updates on the feature request..1Hi Issac, turning on track changes (and of course I know how it all works) on a spreadsheet isn't always useful or preferable. Like Andrew, reverting to a version might be the best option. Or reverting back to the options that were available in Classic, of an admin given the option of refusing changes from a particular user.
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