Archiving/Locking a project file
Udzielono odpowiedziIs there a way to lock or archive a file after it is finished to ensure there are no changes?
A way to still view the file but not let it be modified.-
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Hi Lisa!
Great news, the feature Lock Edits was released somewhat recently, which is the next gen equivalent of freeze. Here's some more info on our Help site regarding Lock Edits:
Thanks for the reminder here. Let me know if you have any questions or need anything else. Cheers!
Hi Matt!
Sorry I missed this. I wanted to follow up quickly as there's been some recent changes that make this easier for next gen filings.
Freezing (Classic)
If you are using classic filings currently, you can certainly Freeze a filed project to ensure it and all its items will not be edited after the fact. This is actually a step of the classic filing wizard, but you can also freeze any classic item independently too. More info on freezing (and thawing) can be found here: or
You can use document permissions to restrict access to the content you are trying to lock. This is a bit of a manual process and you would need to do it on the file(s) and the project too (if you are using classic). More info on permissions can be found here:
Next Gen Filing
Recently released to next gen filings is the auto-lock feature. This feature will set your next gen filing package to be read-only as soon as its live filed. Note: this affects the filing experience itself and not the actual documents used to generate your filing. More info about next gen filings can be found here:
If you have any further questions on the above or need anything else, let me know. Thanks again for your patience and have a great day!0So am I to conclude from above that in Next Gen a file is automatically locked from being filed once live filed - but the contents of the document can still be edited?
Is there any way of locking the contents from changes other than through permissions?
0Hi Carl Giambertone!
To clarify my previous response, yes, it is expected that when a next gen Filing is successfully filed, it enters a “read only” view. That is only the Filing, though, and not the active Document(s) used to generate the EDGAR filing. Those files would remain as they were before. Our Product Team is working on "freezing" next gen files, so until then you'd need to permission those files to lock down changes, so to speak.
Does that help answer your questions? Let me know what questions you have for me, and if you need anything else. Thanks!
0Mike - Yes that does answer it.
Follow up question - Does Workiva send out e-mails when updates are made and what the updates were?
Thanks - Carl
0No problem.
And the good news is yes, you can find that info here in the Community and subscribe to it so you'll receive those update emails. Here's more info on staying updated on Workiva status and releases.
0Mike do you know when the freeze option will be available for non-filers? We use nextGen but do not file. There are several files that we would love to lock....we are assessing the permissions option but as you mentioned it would be super manual so we would like to avoid that route if the freeze option will be available in the near future.
0Hi Jenniffer!
Yes, I do have some insights there. Based on my last discussions with that team, general availability for the freeze option is planned for released in late March / early April. There will likely be a beta option available prior to that, so if you're interested I can get you added to a list of customers who'd like to try it out and our Product Team would reach out once the beta period drew closer.
Hope that helps some. Thanks as always and chat soon!
0Mike That is great news and yes, if we could be added to that beta too please, thank you very much!
0Hi Mike, is there any update on the freeze function? do you have any estimated time (month) for release?
0How do I archive unfiled Section 16 forms? Need to know ASAP
0Hi Kelley!
Happy to help here as best I can. Question for you, are you essentially wanting to mark it as filed? And are you run through the migration an have unfiled forms in classic?
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