Spreadsheet filters
VoltooidExcel has the =filter function which allows you to filter a range or an array. You can use it to return multiple rows based on a value or values.
For example, from your current sheet you could return all rows from a connected sheet where "FY2020" is found in column A.
Will the =filter be added to Wdesk Spreadsheets? I don't see it there now.
Is there another way in Spreadsheets to return multiple rows based on a value as described above?
Hi Greg!
At quick glance, I'm not finding any existing requests for adding the =FILTER function in Spreadsheets. I'm happy to pass along your request, however, to test the waters a bit.
I'll add too (though I'm sure you're aware) that you CAN apply a Filter to content in a Spreadsheet, but as a Filter itself, or a Filtered View. More info on Filters can be found here on our Help site: https://support.workiva.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035643312-Sort-and-Filter-Spreadsheets.
Let me know if I've missed the mark there, or you have any questions for me. Thanks as always and have a great rest of your day!
0This would be a helpful addition.
0I also would like to see this function added.
0Hi all!
Workiva recently made available the feature "Conditional Filtering" or Spreadsheets & it may meet some of your needs. More info is available on our Help site. If you find this does not quite meet your needs, let us know and we’ll be happy to get your feedback logged and continue tracking progress.
Have a great day!
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