2021년 1월부터 클래식 파일 형식을 더 이상 사용할 수 없습니다. 기존 파일을 전환하거나 PDF를 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 자세히 알아보기

Use of Extensible Lists



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  • Mike

    Hi Elizabeth!

    We are looking into this question as we speak to get your a solid answer. Sit tight and we'll get back to ASAP.

  • Ricardo Solano

    Hi Mike, I'm also interested in finding articles about extensible list to understand the use and requirements of them. Thanks!


  • Mike

    Howdy Elizabeth Arguelles-Ascanio and Ricardo Solano,

    Sorry it took so long on this one. The good news is I do have something for ya.

    Extensible list is a non-numeric element type used for associating additional non-disaggregating properties with a fact that is not already conveyed in the line item concept. When a reported item is disaggregated into components, axes and members should be applied to convey those disaggregating properties. Extensible list would be used instead of axes and members when the same properties are reported on a fact but are not disaggregating in nature.

    For example, when “Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents” is not separately disclosed on the balance sheet but is disclosed in a note, the “Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents, Asset, Statement of Financial Position [Extensible List]” would be utilized to disclose its location on the balance sheet. The extensible list would be applicable if the value disclosed in the note represents all of the (entity-wide) restricted cash and cash equivalents, because the location on the balance sheet is informational and not disaggregating in nature.

    The FASB taxonomy team has continued to add extensible lists to the taxonomy to help convey these types of disclosures. Extensible lists are not intended to be used on numeric disclosures.

    Acceptable values for extensible lists are limited to elements in the standard or extended taxonomy. To apply an extensible list in Wdesk, first type the applicable concept with its prefix in a non-printing section as the fact value (e.g., “us-gaap:OtherAssetsCurrent”), then create a source link and apply the extensible list concept (e.g., “Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents, Asset, Statement of Financial Position [Extensible List]”).

    For more use cases, see recent FASB XBRL Taxonomy Implementation Guides.

    Let me know if you need anything else or have any questions. Thanks again for contributing to our Ask Me Anything and have a super day!

  • Elizabeth Arguelles-Ascanio


    Hi! I know there an AMA this coming Tuesday and honestly I still do not understand your answer as I don't know how to use Extensible List in Wdesk. I think it will be extremely helpful is Workiva creates a step by step guide on how to tag extensible lists. We migrated to the 2020 Taxonomy and for new ASUs adopted we are using dimensions instead of the related extensible list because we do not understand how to tag or create one in Wdesk. 



  • Mike

    Hi Elizabeth!

    No worries. Thanks for patience as we dug into this a bit more. We have received similar feedback on the step of implementing these in your own documents. As a result, our Education Services team is aiming to provide some elearning materials on this process. We hope to have those out soon, but in the meantime here's some steps provided by the squad.

    Here is a step-by-step guide on how to apply an extensible list in Wdesk in our classic environment.

    1. In a non-printing section, enter the appropriate fact value for the extensible list selected. For example, if you would like to utilize the “Accounting Standards Update [Extensible List]” the proper fact value would be the prefix “us-gaap” and the member of the ASU you are trying to capture (i.e if for ASU 2016-13 use “us-gaap:AccountingStandardsUpdate201613Member”)
    2. Create a link for this fact value
    3. On the “XBRL Detail Tagging” window, select “Search Line Item Concepts” 
    4. Search for the extensible list (in this example, “Accounting Standards Update [Extensible List]”) 
    5. Apply to fact

    *Please note that application of extensible list is no different than dimensions in that you would apply an extensible list for all periods applicable.

    Hope this helps. I'll keep you posted as well on the status of the forthcoming trainings, but give me a holler if there are any follow-ups.

  • Liuba Miranosava

    Hi, is there a new guide on applying extensible enumeration/what it is used for? Thanks!

  • Mike

    Hi Liuba!

    Externally there's this guidance from FASB, and on the Workiva side, we have this Help article on how to apply them. Hopefully that helps. Let me know what further questions you have. Happy New Year!


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