create file command- explicit delimiter
回答済みI am trying to upload a file to a table using chains via create file command. I don't have an option to specify the delimiter of the source file and it is taking comma by default. my source file contains descriptions which have commas. So, I cannot use the comma delimiter in my source file or transform it into a comma delimiter as it will fail with upload data. please let me know alternative way of uploading a new file via chains
Hello Ganesh, you can use the Tabular Transformation command Change delimiter to make the delimiter comma or tab separated. Encapsulating the data in double quotes will allow you to include commas in your data. For example: "this, is, cell, A1","this, is, cell, A2". The file you upload to a Wdata Table must be either comma separated (.CSV) or tab separated (.TSV). For reference, this requirement is documented at
0Thanks Jeff. is there a way to encapsulate double quotes within wdata instead of requesting the source to encapsulate?
0Hi Ganesh, the Change delimiter command will encapsulate the data for you as long as your source file is well formed. For example, if your file is pipe delimited it may look like this: this, is, cell A1|this, is, cell, A2. After running it through Change delimiter, the result would be: "this, is, cell, A1","this, is, cell, A2".