
Error while we executes the Workiva chain




  • Do we needs to enter the BW Query name which looks like this in ZXYZ_Q0001 or Should we write the MDX query with the select statements 

    In the Execute MDX query template,


  • Jeff Hickey

    Hi Takkellapatikiran Kumar (Capgemini Norge AS,Oslo), you will want to write in the MDX query as the Execute MDX Query Command requires an MDX query to execute. You can create the query by running a report with the desired data in SAP BW and then capture its MDX syntax. If you continue to receive errors from SAP BW, it is recommended to consult with your SAP BW administrator to ensure both the SAP BW Connector and Execute MDX Query Command are configured properly.

  • Hello Jeff

    Thanks for checking it and replying over the issue.

    Actually all the querys we are able to execute it them in SAP reporting. But when we execute them in for MDX script which all querys with in system is not able to generate any script for MDX.

    We are also checking with SAP as well for this issue, if there is any limitations or any thing we are missing out..



  • Jeff Hickey

    Hi Takkellapatikiran Kumar (Capgemini Norge AS,Oslo), if the report works in SAP BW and you're using the MDX syntax from the working report in the Execute MDX Query Command and receiving an error "does not exist error", this points to a misconfigured Connector and/or remote access/permission issue. With help of the SAP administrator, review that the SAP BW Connector Prerequisites are met, and that the set up has been done correctly. There are several troubleshooting steps to review as well.

