Project Panel in Next Gen
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Blacklines - line numbers (Classic/Next Gen)
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Indenting text in a table
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Adjust the table size to align the table to the left
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Viewing documents on three monitors
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Attachments in Next Generation?
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Importing an exhibit that is not editable
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Note continuation to next page
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Alternating Color Shading in Rows in Document Table
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We want to copy-paste from Excel to Document without copying the fond and the its size. How to do it?
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Is there a feature in the next gen documents similar to the outline label progress indicator in the Documents?
-1 voti 6 commenti
Has anyone been able to add the same footnote to multiple locations within a table?
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Can I zoom in and out in a next generation document, without using the browser zoom?
-2 voti 5 commenti
Auto Populate Page Numbers in Table of Contents
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Deleting a table in nextgen document
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Limit to Number of Sections Per Document
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Q1 Redline to 10-K and Q3 - Best Practice
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How to create a Blank Space for information to be updated in final
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Can you copy and paste an entire section in your word document project?
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Table title margins
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How can we force Wdesk to treat "S.à r.l." as one word?
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Symbol Formatting
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Styling of document tutorials
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Replicating sections of document
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Is there a way to create a PDF with all comments (open & resolved)?
2 voti 0 commenti
Can you duplicate/copy a Document in Nextgen?
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Option for "Prefer to have table break after this row" in Wdesk isn't working
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Is there a way to make a 0 show up as the word immaterial or not material in the document?
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Change a remark added to a revision
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