Edgarizing a PDF in Next Gen
We include pages with images in our annual report/Exhibit 13. In Classic, I could upload a PDF of the pages, then perform some steps and would have the pages in my Exhibit 13 Edgarized/searchable. How can this be done in Next Gen?
Hi Libby Fontaine, thanks for the post! Does this article help you with your question?
0Hi Madison,
I don't think so. In this case, I need to add the PDF as separate pages into a current exhibit. I think this article shows how I can include as a separate exhibit. In Classic, I would Edgarize the PDF in the Documents window, then copy the .HTM version into Word--do a few more steps, then drag the .jpg file into the correction section of the document.
0Hi Libby!
Wanted to follow-up here with you on the steps provided.
Madison's suggested could work in this case, although you'd have to generate the images and then download them images to then drop them into your exhibit, essentially using the Filing Experience to act as an image creator for your exhibit.
For example, after you generate the EDGAR PDF, from the filing itself there is an option to Download Filing Documents.
Next, once that downloads, you'll want to unzip it on your machine and then find the folder that has all images for the PDF. In Workiva, you can then open your Exhibit 13 and add the images in to each section needed to build the exhibit out.
The next step would then be to removed the PDF and its jpgs and .htm file from the filing in the Collect step so you don't have any duplicate and/or unwanted files in your submission. Finally, you'll want to add Exhibits 13 to the Collect step and Generate Files to make sure the added images are in there correctly.
Another method you could do if you had access to Adobe Acrobat would be open the PDF on your own machine and from there choose to Export PDF as JPEG. Here's some steps from Adobe on that. https://acrobat.adobe.com/us/en/acrobat/how-to/convert-pdf-to-jpg.html.
Let me know what questions you have on the above, or if you need anything else. Thanks much and happy filings!
0Hi Mike,
I did go through the Collect step and get the images into the document, but fumbled through, so thanks for giving me better instructions as well as two options.
0No problem! I did find it a bit cumbersome as I tested it out and wished there was a quicker way. For example, you CAN open the images and copy/paste them but that would be one at a time and it seems slower than the bulk filing download. Also, you can add an image to your filing from Home, but its hard to know which image is the right one.
0Hi, I'm was testing the generate as EDGAR PDF functionality within a filing but I'm running into an issue that each page of a PDF is converted to an image and even the htm version is just a compilation of those images. It is therefore not a searchable file.
I made sure to check that the PDF was searchable before uploading it. Am I missing something?
I could however convert the PDF to word (or get a copy of a word version) Import into Wdesk (Requiring additional formatting) and then convert to an EDGAR file. Importing also identified and imported a lot of images. I would rather avoid this if possible.
On the last point, when importing why don't images contain the name of the document being imported? It makes it very confusing sorting through images if you imported multiple documents.
0Hi Juaque!
Great question. I'm happy to shed some light on this one for you.
You are correct, when the PDF is converted for EDGAR within the Workiva Filing experience, the file is converted to a single image for each page of the PDF and those images are added to a single EDGAR compliant HTM file. What also occurs on the backend is any text that is found on the PDF is rendered on the page, but it is not visible. However, if you were to open the HTM file and perform a search (CTRL+F), the text you are looking for should be found (assuming the words/phrases are there) in the corresponding page/section. In this way, the text is searchable. That being said, this method of EDGARization is really only viable for supporting exhibits and shouldn't be used for text heavy exhibits, or exhibits with tabular/financial data.
As far as naming conventions go, that is the default for the EDGAR generating system for Workiva. They are named to be EDGAR compliant and start from 001 and upward for reach image/page of your exhibit/PDF. Sadly, you cannot rename the images here either, as you'd not be able to adjust the EDGAR generated file.
Let me know what questions you have for me there, and if you need anything else. Thanks as always and happy filings!
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