Disconnected Comments
AnsweredIf a comment becomes disconnected, and not re-connected to a memo, will it still print in the pdf export when including comments in the pdf?
👋 Hi Noreen!
Great question. I was curious, so I checked and it sadly looks like no, it is not included in a PDF of the file though it still registers as a comment in Workiva. This is also true for the Send for Review option, i.e. if you choose all comments, its also not included. So it would seem it needs to be reconnected prior to Save As or Sending for Review to show up there.
Give me a holler if you have any questions there, or you need anything else. All the best, and happy Friday!
0Hi Mike, is it now possible to export them?
best regards
0Hi Benjamin Heim,
Unfortunately, based on this article, it is not possible to export disconnected comments. However, I've added you to our notification list for disconnected comments on this post!
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