Authorship in spreadsheets - filtering and updating by multiple users
AnsweredWhen multiple users are in a spreadsheet to make updates at the same time, users are encountering issues when trying to make edits when one user has the file filtered. Is there a way that multiple users can sort the same file at the same time and make updates?
Hi Kristin!
Yes, there IS indeed a way to do this and not impact other editors. You can achieve this by using Filtered Views. These do not show for any other users also accessing the same Spreadsheet and can be saved to use again, and shared with others too. More info on Filtered Views can be found on the Help article Sort and Filter in Spreadsheets under Create a Filtered View.
Let me know if I've missed the mark, or you have any follow-ups for me on the above. Thanks and happy Friday in the meantime. Cheers!
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