Proxy Card Best Practices
The following instructions are a step-by-step guide with options to incorporate a Proxy Card into a Proxy document.
Option 1 - Adding as an image
You can add a Proxy card directly as an image to the end of your document by using the Insert→ Image option and selecting your Proxy card image.
While this method allows you to incorporate the Proxy Card into the Table of Contents, the downside is potential issues with poorer image quality.
Option 2 - Combine a pdf of the Proxy Card with the Proxy document
This option allows for a higher quality Proxy Card. However, it cannot be incorporated into your Table of Contents as a line item to be hyperlinked to since it’s not part of your actual document but rather a separate combined document.
Follow these steps to combine a PDF of the Proxy Card with your file if your file DOES NOT contain iXBRL tagging:
- From the Filing Experience, click Upload to add a PDF from your computer or Add if your PDF has already been uploaded to Workiva to browse files and then select it.
2. Use the generate as drop-down menu to select EDGAR PDF and click Generate Files to create the edgarized PDF.
3. After creating EDGAR files for any PDFs in your filing, you should exclude the original PDFs by clicking Exclude PDF in the drop-down next to the original PDF.
4. Next, from Files, select the your two files (Proxy plus your card) and choose Combine.
5. Enter a name for the new EDGAR file
You should see one .htm file with the two source files. At this point, you have now combined your generated proxy card with your proxy statement.
If your document DOES contain iXBRL tagging, please follow the steps:
1. Ensure your PDF files is uploaded to your Workiva workspace prior
2. From your Proxy, navigate to the to the XBRL tab and click “XBRL Profile”
3. Select the Documents tab and check the “Combine Documents” box
4. Select Add PDF to browse for your uploaded PDF then hit Close (the Apply button will remain greyed out but your changes will be saved)
5. Generate XBRL to combine the files and Preview your Filing Documents to view the combined EDGAR files.
Should you have any questions on this process, please let us know here or contact Workiva Support.
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