With this chain, you can retrieve a query's parameter value from a spreadsheet—such as to focus on a specific entity or time period—and then run the query and export its results to another sheet.
To create this chain, you'll need:
- A core Workiva connector
- A core Tabular Transformation connector
Step 1. Create the chain
- In Chain Builder, from the Chains tab, click Create chain.
- Under Setup, enter a unique name and description to help identify the chain and its intent.
- Under Variables, add variables for the spreadsheets and query to work with.
Name Value Query ID Enter the ID of the query to run. Tip: In the query's URL, the ID appears after
.Spreadsheet ID Enter the ID of the spreadsheet with the value to retrieve for the query's parameter. Tip: In the spreadsheet's URL, its ID appears after
.Sheet ID Enter the ID of the sheet with the spreadsheet with the value to retrieve for the query's parameter. Tip: In the spreadsheet's URL, the sheet's ID appears after
.Spreadsheet URL To export the query results to an existing spreadsheet, enter its full URL. Note: If the chain will always create new spreadsheets based on the query's results, this variable is unnecessary.
- Click Save.
Step 2. Start with the Get sheet data command
To retrieve the value for the query parameter from the cell of a spreadsheet, start the chain with a Get sheet data command.
- Under Available BizApps, select Workiva, and move Get sheet data to Start.
- Click Edit for the command, and enter its name and description under Basic info.
- Under Command properties, select the Workiva connector to perform the command.
- For Spreadsheet ID, select the chain variable with the spreadsheet ID for the parameter value.
- For Sheet Name/ID, select the chain variable with the sheet ID for the parameter value.
- For Region, enter the cell to retrieve the value from, in the A1-representation of
. - For Value Style, select whether to retrieve the cell's raw or calculated value. For example, if the cell contains
1 + 1
, select Raw value for the explicit formula, or Calculated for the sum of2
. - For Revision, enter the revision of the spreadsheet to retrieve the value from. For the current version, enter
. - Click Save.
Step 3. Add an Extract value command
To use the value retrieved from the spreadsheet with the query parameter, add an Extract value command.
- Under Available BizApps, select Tabular Transformation, and move Extract value to the canvas.
- Drag a link from Start to Extract value, and click Edit for the command.
- Under Basic info, enter a name and description to help identify the command.
- Under Command properties, select the Tabular Transformation connector to perform the command.
- For Input file, select the Data output of the Get sheet data command.
- Since the Get sheet data command retrieves only the one cell's value, leave Column index, Delimiter, and Row index with their respective default values of 0, Comma, and 1.
- Click Save.
Step 4. Add a Run query command
To apply the retrieved value as a parameter and then run the query, add a Run query command.
- Under Available BizApps, select Workiva, and move Run query to the canvas.
- Drag a link from Extract value to Run query, and click Edit for the latter.
- Under Basic info, enter a name and description to help identify the command.
- Under Command properties, select the same Workiva connector as Get sheet data.
- For Query ID, select the chain variable for the query ID.
- Under Parameters, click Add, and apply the value from the spreadsheet to the query's parameter:
- In Key, enter the name of the parameter to use the value.
- In Value, select the Value output of the Extract value command.
- Click Save.
Step 5. Add an Export query result command
To export the query's results to Spreadsheets, add an Export query result command.
- Under Available BizApps, select Workiva, and move Run query to the canvas.
- Drag a link from Run query to Export query result, and click Edit for the latter.
- Under Basic info, enter a name and description to help identify the command.
- Under Command properties, select the same Workiva connector as Get sheet data.
- For Query result ID, select ID from the Query result output of the Run query command.
- For Spreadsheet URL, specify whether to export the results to a new or existing spreadsheet:
- To export to a new spreadsheet, leave Spreadsheet URL blank.
- To export to an existing spreadsheet, select the chain variable for the spreadsheet's URL.
- Click Save and Publish.