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Workiva allows you to create and tag one document that can be submitted to multiple regulatory bodies by changing the language and taxonomy of your document. There are a few key things to note when changing your generation language.
Note: Changing the generation language is separate from changing the viewing language.
Change viewing language
If you need to review your document in another language without changing the document local or generation language, you can click the language displayed above Viewing In... to open a dialog box where you can change the language you're currently viewing the document in.
Generation language impact
Changing your generation language and related settings will have several effects you need to be aware of.
- XBRL generations done after changing generation language will also include the selected language as an option when viewing in the iXBRL viewer. Document locale must be set to the same language as generation language in order to see that language in the iXBRL viewer.
- The top level items in your XBRL outline will remain in English, but child items in the outline will use the selected language for their names.
- Changing your generation language will not change the language for any items aside from the label and description, such as the written contents of your document or concept’s details. This may cause issues such as incorrect spell check results due to the new language using a different dictionary.
Depending on the document locale and generation language selected, there may be other unexpected effects. You should thoroughly review your document after changing these settings.
Change generation language
To change the generation of a document, first ensure that you have Owner permissions on the document whose language you’d like to change.
- On the File tab, click Properties and choose Document.
- On the General tab of Document Properties, under the Language & Formats section, click the Locale field and choose your desired language.
- Click Save Changes in the bottom right corner to complete the change.
You can generate XBRL for your document, then use the iXBRL previewer to ensure that the language has been applied correctly.
For information about managing XBRL labels for ESEF reporting, see Manage XBRL labels for ESEF reporting.