This article expands on the Manage XBRL label roles article with capabilities and constraints that are specific to the ESEF Reporting Solutions.
The ESEF Taxonomy, as published by ESMA, provides all elements with a set of labels which are translated into 24 different languages. ESMA’s ESEF Reporting Manual requires that the labels of elements used in the XBRL Report be provided in the same language in which the report is prepared. The manual also allows for additional languages of labels to be reported.
When using a label role on an element that is pre-defined within the taxonomy, the label values cannot be changed or customized. The reporting manual and taxonomy allow you to assign a label role and value to a standard element even when the element is not predefined with that label role in the taxonomy. As extensions are, by definition, not defined in the ESEF Taxonomy, they require custom label roles and values.
Standard Element
Labels for standard elements are managed from Label Properties, accessible from the XBRL Outline. When a predefined label role is assigned to an element, the predefined label value is automatically populated and cannot be edited. The predefined label roles for an element are promoted and grouped at the top of the label role drop-down list. Beneath this group, you will find the rest of the available roles. These can be used to customize the labels for the element. When selecting one of these roles, the label value will automatically be populated with the standard label value for that element and can be customized further as desired.
Note: Extension Elements Require a label in the Standard Label Role.
Extensions are initially defined when creating an element in the extension creation window. You can also edit extensions from the Label Properties window or assigned another custom label role. Additionally, it is recommended that you define a documentation label for extensions. This is done within the extension creation window.
Label Languages
All ESEF reports must define labels in the language of the report. The language of the report is determined by the Locale setting, found in Document Properties. You can choose to report labels in additional languages if desired.
In the XBRL Profile, open the Languages tab to view and add reporting languages. Once a language has been added to the profile, you can then provide label translations for all the custom labels in your report.
For Standard elements using a custom label role, the label value will be automatically populated with the elements standard label for that language as defined in the taxonomy. This can then be customized further from the Label Properties window.
Extension elements will not be populated with any value and will display a warning icon until you manually provide a label translation. For each additional language that is added to the report, a new label linkbase file will be included in the Filing Documents.
You can switch the viewing-in language from the XBRL Toolbar, with all languages added to the profile at the top of the list.
At any point you can remove an additional language from the report to prevent it from being included. Removed languages retain all customized labels if added back to a report.