Workspaces have a set of default groups to help manage permissions for files in a workspace. Workspace Owners and Content Managers can also create new groups for even more flexibility. Additionally, groups can be used for mentions in comments and for sending reviews.
Set and control file permissions by adding members to groups, rather than setting permissions for individual users. This allows you to keep the same permission structures on files, and control access by managing who is in each group.
Note: Do not delete or modify the All Users group. If you have additional questions, contact Workiva Support.
Create a group
To create a group:
- In the top right, click your workspace name and select Settings to open the Workspace Settings.
- From the Groups tab, click Create Group.
- Enter a group name and add workspace members to the group by searching for or selecting individuals.
- Click Create Group to finish.
Delete a group
If you no longer need a group, you can delete a group by clicking Delete in the dropdown next to a group.
When you delete a group, any permissions granted to members by a group will be removed. Removing a group does not remove its members from a workspace.