This article is for:
After your document is set up and linked, you can tag facts with the appropriate XBRL.
This article offers the basics of creating facts and selecting or replacing concepts or dates.
Make sure you:
- Have a complete fiscal calendar and set up any special dates you need.
- Created an XBRL profile for the document.
- Set up default units and accuracies for your document.
- Add an XBRL outline to the document if you already have one you want to use. Otherwise, you can set it up during tagging.
Create facts
First, select the value and create an XBRL fact before selecting the concept, date, and other XBRL fact details. You can create facts on many values at one time and come back later to add concepts, dates, and other XBRL fact details.
To create a fact:
- 1
- Open the document, click the XBRL tab, and make sure Show XBRL is on.
- 2
- Choose an XBRL profile if one is not already applied.
- 3
- Select the cell, text, or content placeholder you want for the fact. To tag more than one fact at a time, select multiple items. When tagging a placeholder, XBRL will be applied at only the selected location, not across all usages of the placeholder.
- 4
- Click Add Fact on the XBRL toolbar or from the right-click menu.
- 5
- Select concepts, add dates, and other XBRL attributes.
- If you want more information about concepts, use the Taxonomy Analyzer.
- If you do not find the concept you need, you can create an extension concept.
Select concepts and dates
Select concepts, add dates, and continue applying the rest of the XBRL fact details in the Fact Details panel. Additional options appear after selecting a concept, such as accuracy and monetary unit.
The following image shows two facts selected: one of them already has a concept and the remaining fact details have not been selected.
- 1
- Select the fact you want to tag.
- 2
- Choose a concept:
- If the concept is already in the XBRL outline, drag it from the XBRL outline to the Add Concept field in the Fact Details panel.
- If selecting a new concept from the taxonomy, click Select Concept in the Fact Details panel. Then find and Apply the concept.
- Search lets you enter keywords to find concepts in the taxonomy.
- Browse lists concepts in the taxonomy.
- Bookmarks lists concepts you previously saved.
- Extensions lists custom concepts you created.
- 3
- Click Add Date from the Fact Details panel to search for and Apply a date from either the Fiscal or Special Dates tabs:
- Select a current Fiscal date or click Update Fiscal Calendar to make changes and select a new date.
- Select a Special date or add a new date and click Create.
- 4
- Finish adding details, like accuracies and monetary units, dimensions, or reversals.
Tag multiple links in a cell
You can add and tag multiple links inside a table cell when you need to tag parenthetical information to show multiple values within a line item description. This is helpful when you want to disclose shares authorized, shares issued, and the par value of each share all in the same cell in the Balance Sheet. Tagging links within a cell reduces the number of facts you need to create as hidden facts in non-printing sections.
To tag multiple links in a cell:
- 1
- Create multiple links inside a table cell.
- 2
- Click in the cell with multiple links that you want to tag with XBRL.
- 3
- Click Add Fact and select which fact(s) you want to tag, then click Apply.
- 4
- Repeat these steps to tag other links with a different XBRL concept within the cell.
Replace Concepts or Dates
To replace a concept or a date:
- 1
- Select the fact or multiple facts.
- 2
- Go to the Fact Details panel:
- Replace a concept by clicking the current Concept and select Replace in the Fact Details panel. Then choose a new concept and click Apply. If one cell has more than one fact, use Inspect Facts to see the individual fact details.
- Replace a date by clicking on the existing Date. In the XBRL Dates dialog box that opens, choose and Apply the new date.
What’s Next
After getting the basic tagging done for facts, use these other articles to add more details: