Use this article to set up your document to meet the SEC requirements for filing with exhibits. If you aren't sure about including an exhibit in the index or hyperlink to it, please consult your filing advisors.
Requirements for exhibits
To make sure your document meets SEC requirements follow these guideline:
- Indicate which section contains the EDGAR Exhibit Index.
- Make sure the Exhibit Index comes before the final signature in your filing document.
- Hyperlink to either a current exhibit in your filing or a previously filed exhibit .htm file on for each item in the Exhibit Index.
Note: You are not required to hyperlink to XBRL exhibits and paper/pre-electronically filed exhibits.
Indicating the EDGAR exhibit index section
Make sure to indicate that your filing document contains an Exhibit Index section. If you do not do this, you will get an error message during filing.
Note: The document retains this section setting during roll-forward, export and import, project copy, etc. You need to complete this step only one time for each filing type.
- 1
- Open your document and make sure the document type is set to a filing type, such as 10-K, 10-Q, or 8-K. See Document and Section Properties for information about setting the document type.
- 2
- Highlight the document section that has your exhibit index in your document and select Properties to open the Section Properties panel.
- 3
- Go to Section Properties and select the Section contains an EDGAR exhibit index checkbox at the bottom.
Hyperlinking to exhibits
- 1
- In your document’s Exhibit Index, select the text you want to make a hyperlink in the Exhibit Index section. To select text in a table cell, double-click the cell to make the cell active and then select the text.
- 2
- Right-click and select Insert Hyperlink.
- 3
- Choose the type of item to link to and fill out the required information.
- Web Address: EDGAR documents may only contain links to exhibits within the filing or to previously filed documents. The URLs for previously filed documents must start with "" or ""
- Section in this document: To link to a different section of the current document, choose a section.
- Workiva file: To link to another Workiva document, click Browse Wdesk and select the file you’d like to link to.
- 4
- Click Create to create your link.
Making changes to exhibits
You can make changes to the original exhibit document any time in the filing steps before live filing.
To make changes to exhibits:
- 1
- Click the dropdown for the exhibit document in the filing that you want to change and click Open Document.
- 2
- Make changes to the exhibit document.
- 3
- Go back to the Collect step in Filing and update the filing documents.
- If you hyperlink to a Workiva document, you only need to review your existing hyperlinks.
- If you hyperlink to a non-Workiva document, you’ll need to update any related hyperlinks and regenerate filing documents.
- After rolling forward, make sure to update the Exhibit Index hyperlinks to the current filing exhibits.
Testing hyperlinks
After adding exhibit hyperlinks to a document, you can test them:
- 1
- Open your filing in Workiva.
- 2
- Click Regenerate or Update All to update your filing.
- 3
- Expand the folder for the main document and click the >.htm file.
- 4
- Go to the Exhibit Index section and click the hyperlinks to test them.