Complete form information to include the period of report, submission type, fiscal year end, or other information depending on the item being submitted. The fields on the Form Information step change based on the filing type you choose. For additional help with this step, review the EDGAR Filer Manual or contact Workiva Support.
Enter filer information
Enter all the necessary information about the filer. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.
Advanced filer options:
Include Co-Registrant Information: Select if you are including co-registrant information in your filing. If selecting this option, complete this entry on the Co-Registrant screen by clicking Next.
Request a Return Copy: Select if you'd like a copy of your filing that is received by the SEC. Download a copy of your filing from your private EDGAR Filing website for up to seven days after the filing.
Is a Paper Copy Confirmation: Select only when the official filing was originally made by paper. When selecting this option, you must enter the following:
- For non-subject company filings, enter a file number and value.
- For subject company filings, enter only the file number.
Click Next to continue.
Enter co-registrant information
If you are including a co-registrant, enter their information:
Enter the co-registrant’s CIK and CCC.
Select Emerging Growth if co-registrant meets the criteria in SEC Final Rule 33-10332.
Select No Transition Period if coregistrant is not using the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards.
For more information on these options, see the following SEC release: Inflation Adjustments and Other Technical Amendments under Titles I and III of the JOBS Act.
Click Next to continue.
Provide form-specific information
This may include period of report, submission type, fiscal year end, or other information depending on the item being submitted.
Common form information includes:
Period of Report: Enter the last date of the reporting period, registration date, effectiveness date, proxy meeting date, or similar for this filing.
NOTE: Future dates for most form types cause errors, unless otherwise specified. See Appendix E in the EDGAR Filer Manual for more information about using future dates in this field.
Smaller Reporting Company: Select when the company has both a public float and less than $75 million in revenues.
- Emerging Growth Company: Select if the company meets the criteria in SEC Final Rule 33-10332.
- Elected to not use the transition period: Select if the company is not using the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards.
For more information on these options, see the following SEC release: Inflation Adjustments and Other Technical Amendments under Titles I and III of the JOBS Act.
Click Next to finish this step.