After you start the filing, continue by collecting and labeling your filing documents.
Note: Before creating a filing, make sure you have created your filing documents.
Collect documents
In this step, you’ll add all the necessary source documents to the filing. This includes the main filing document, like a 10-K, exhibits, and any other supporting documents. As you add source filing documents, you can generate EDGAR files using the drop down to the right of the document. When documents are EDGARized, they are converted to SEC-compliant HTM files.
After you start a filing, add source filing documents to it:
- Click Add on the Collect step.
- Select source filing documents:
- Add documents for the filing.
- (Optional) Add PDFs to:
- File the PDF as an exhibit. Workiva converts it to an SEC-compliant HTM file for EDGAR.
- Include the PDF as an unofficial copy of filing documents. This option keeps it as a PDF file, it is not converted.
- Add documents for the filing.
After adding source filing documents, you can make updates to filing documents. Use the other information in this article to continue to the Label step in Filing.
File multiple XBRL documents
If you need to include multiple documents with XBRL when filing, you will need to make sure to follow certain steps to prevent XBRL conflicts and to file smoothly. If the XBRL profile is the same, once the primary document is added, all of the other documents generate as well.
- Make sure all documents included in the filing use the same XBRL profile.
- Add all the documents you’d like to file, including all the documents with XBRL.
- Click Set as primary XBRL Document next to the document you want to designate as the primary filing document.
- After you set the primary XBRL document, confirm that the other documents have been included in your primary document, then remove the other XBRL documents.
Note: Generated file names are based on your XBRL namespace prefix, document period end date, and the label applied in the Label step of Filing. Generated names may not match the file name in the Workiva platform.
Once you've set the primary XBRL document for the filing, you can continue to follow this article for further guidance on filing.
Combine EDGAR files
If you have multiple items that you would like to submit as a single item, you can combine files to create a single EDGAR output file.
Note: XBRL files cannot be combined.
- Select the files on the Collect step that you want to combine, then click Combine.
- Name the file that will be created after combining the selected files, then drag files into desired order. Break page on new document if desired.
- Click Combine to create a combined file.
View and remove source filing documents
After adding source filing documents, you can open them from the Collect step to make changes, take a look at the generated EDGAR files to make sure they look correct, and remove source filing documents you don’t need.
To view and manage files:
- Click a source document to show the list of its generated files.
- Preview the EDGAR version of a source document by clicking its generated .htm file. This opens the EDGAR file in a separate browser tab.
- Open a source document in Workiva by clicking the drop-down menu on the right and selecting Open Document.
- Remove a source document by clicking the drop-down menu on the right and selecting Remove Document.
Label documents
Use the Label step to set filing types, enter exhibit extensions, and provide descriptions for your filing documents.
- Select and enter the necessary information:
- Filing type: Select the filing type. Type the name of the filing type in the Search field to narrow the results.
- Exhibit extension: Enter the number extension for the exhibit section. For example, when the filing includes EX-31, enter 1 for EX-31.1.
- Document order: Set your labeled documents to SEC order, click on the Set to SEC Order button.
- Description (optional): Enter a description for the document. This is helpful for exhibit documents.
- Filing type: Select the filing type. Type the name of the filing type in the Search field to narrow the results.
- Click Next to continue.