There are several cases where multiple signers/approvers in a certification action must reach a consensus before the certification action can move forward:
- There are multiple signer/approver steps
- There are multiple signers/approvers in a single signer/approver step, and everyone in that step needs to sign/approve
- There is a combination of the above
Note: If you are sending a certification to a group of users via the Bulk certification option in the process, this will send out copies of a single dedicated letter to each person in that group. This means that consensus isn’t needed, since each person in the group will have their own copy of the letter to sign.
Multiple signer/approver steps
When there are multiple signer steps, a signer must agree with the previous signers' responses, and then add their signature in order for the certification action to go to the next step. If a signer instead changes a previous signer's response, the letter must be signed by everyone again.
Similarly, when there are multiple approver steps, an approver must agree with the previous approvers, and then add their approval in order for the certification action to go to the next step. If an approver instead returns the letter, the letter must be signed/approved by everyone again.
Example of multiple signer steps
Given a certification action with three signer steps, each with one signer:
- Signer One answers the letter questions and signs the letter. The letter goes to the next signer step.
- Signer Two reviews and agrees with Signer One’s responses and signs the letter. The letter goes to the next signer step.
- Signer Three modifies a response and signs the letter. Because consensus hasn’t been reached amongst all three signers, the letter goes back to the first signer step to Signer One.
All three signers must be in agreement with each other in order for the certification action to move forward.
Example of multiple approver steps
Given a certification action with three approver steps, each with one approver:
- Approver One reviews the signers’ responses and approves the letter. The letter goes to the next approval step.
- Approver Two reviews the signers’ responses and also approves the letter. The letter goes to the next approval step.
- Approver Three reviews the signers’ responses and returns the letter.
- If Approver Three clicks Return to signers, the letter goes back to the first signer step, and the signers have to sign the letter again.
- If Approver Three clicks Return to approvers, the letter goes back to the first approval step, and all approvers have to approve the letter again.
All three approvers must be in agreement with each other in order for the certification action to move forward.
Multiple signers/approvers in a single step
When there are multiple signers in a single step, and everyone in that step needs to sign, all signers must be in agreement with each other and with any signers in previous steps in order for the certification action to move forward.
Similarly, when there are multiple approvers in a single step, and everyone in that step needs to approve, all approvers must be in agreement with each other and with any approvers in previous steps in order for the certification action to move forward.
Example of multiple signers in a single signer step
Given a certification action with three signers in a single signer step, and everyone in that step needs to sign:
- The letter is sent to Signer One, Signer Two, and Signer Three at the same time.
- Both Signer One and Signer Two answer the letter questions and sign the letter.
- Signer Three modifies a response and signs the letter. Because consensus hasn’t been reached amongst all three signers, the letter gets sent to Signer One and Signer Two to sign again.
All three signers in the signer step must be in agreement with each other in order for the certification action to move forward.
Example of multiple approvers in a single approval step
Given a certification action with three approvers in a single approval step, and everyone in that step needs to approve:
- The signed letter is sent to Approver One, Approver Two, and Approver Three at the same time.
- Both Approver One and Approver Two review the signers’ responses and approve the letter.
- Approver Three reviews the signers’ responses and returns the letter.
- If Approver Three clicks Return to signers, the letter goes back to the first signer step, and the signers have to sign the letter again.
- If Approver Three clicks Return to approvers, the letter gets sent to Approver One and Approver Two to approve again.
All three approvers in the approval step must be in agreement with each other in order for the certification action to move forward.