The Create Spreadsheet and Sheet template creates a new spreadsheet or sheet within an existing one. It will check for any existing sheets or spreadsheets before running, and return the appropriate IDs to the original chain afterwards. This feature is commonly used to create sheets that document workspace, environment, and chain details.
- You must have access to the Client ID and Client Secret through your OAuth2 grant.
- The following connectors must be configured in your workspace:
Build your chain
The Create Spreadsheet and Sheet template is located in the Workiva Chains section of the Templates screen.
Here's how to find it:
- In Chain Builder, go to the Templates tab.
- Select Workiva Chains from the menu at the top.
- Search for Create Spreadsheet and Sheet at the top right and open the template.
After locating your template, configure it to for your workspace using the variables and runtime inputs listed below.
Note: For detailed instructions on creating a chain from a template, see the Create and manage chains article.
Variable type | Variable name | Description |
Dynamic chain | dv-Sheet-Id | ID of the sheet that is created by running the chain. |
Dynamic chain | dv-Spreadsheet-Id | ID of the spreadsheet that is created by running the chain. |
Workspace | wsv-ClientID | ID generated from the OAuth2 Grant for your Workiva connector. |
Workspace | wsv-ClientSecret | Secret token generated from the OAuth2 Grant for your Workiva connector. |
Workspace | wsv-BaseURL-IAM |
Find the appropriate URL here. |
Workspace | wsv-BaseURL-Platform | Find the appropriate URL here. |
Runtime inputs
Input Type | Name | Description |
Group Field | Spreadsheet-Options | Group field with the spreadsheet inputs below. |
Open Text Box within Spreadsheet Options Group Field | SpreadsheetName | Name of the spreadsheet that will be created or that already exists. |
Open Text Box within Spreadsheet Options Group Field | SpreadsheetID | Spreadsheet ID that contains the sheet where all the information will be created. |
Group Field | Sheet-Options | Group field with the sheet inputs below. |
Open Text Box within Sheet Options Group Field | Sheet-ID | ID of the sheet where the data will be written or already exists. |
Open Text Box within Sheet Options Group Field | Sheet-Name | Name of the sheet with which it will be created or already exists. |
Open Text Box within Sheet Options Group Field | Sheet-Index | Integer index of the sheet relative to its parent sheet or to the spreadsheet, if no parent sheet exists. To position a sheet at the end of its siblings, use the special value -1. |
Open Text Box within Sheet Options Group Field | Sheet-Parent-Id | ID of the parent sheet that will be created or already exists. |
Use with a Run Chain event
You can also run this chain from another chain using a Run Chain event.
Note: You must create the OAuth2 Grants and Workspace Variables before executing this chain.
If your chain triggered an error or failed to update the correct data, check that the following is true:
- The user has permission to view the created spreadsheet.
- The Client ID, Secret, and Base URLs are correct.