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Text Wrapping around Images in Documents



13 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar

    This is available today with the Designed Reporting add-on. Depending on your solution, this may already be enabled, but otherwise can be added. You'd need to connect with your CSM or Account Rep to get further info on if you have it and/or can get access. Here's a Help article with some info on those features.

  • Mike

    Hi Andrew!

    Currently, outside of using two columns or working a Presentation, you can't wrap text around images in next gen Documents. This request has also been asked here, and similarly I've connected your request with our Product Team. I will add too that there's no active plans to implement this feature as of yet. I'll keep you updated with any new developments, but do let me know if you have any questions for me.

    Thanks for your feedback, and give me a holler if you need anything else. Cheers!

  • Aaron Talbott

    Please inform the product team that I also would be interested in this functionality (including the addition of text boxes).  Similar to how Microsoft word allows you to add text boxes and create a true finished document (although in a very clunky way compared to something like Adobe Indesign) it would be nice if the documents allowed you to also make a completely finished document that look professionally done.

  • Mike

    You got it Aaron Talbott!

  • Peter Bucher

    Is text wrapping around an image available yet or no?

  • Mike

    Hi Peter!

    At this time image wrapping is not yet available, though it is being looked at. I'm happy to log your request for it and we'll certainly keep you updated.

  • Junot Foradada

    Same here... please add me to the list of people asking for this feature. Thanks!

  • Mike

    It's a deal, Junot!

  • Jill Nardo

    Hi Mike,

    We are also interested in Picture text-wrapping (similar to MS365/Office).   Thank you!!


  • Mike

    This enhancement is on the future roadmap and is likely for sometime in 2023. We'll continue to take in requests here and will keep you apprised of any new updates. Thanks for your continued patience and happy Friday!

  • Rahel Zickler

    Strongly support the other commenters' request that this feature be added, also on behalf of Barry Callebaut.

  • Daniela Almanza

    Hi, has this function been implemented since? It was mentioned a year ago that it would likely be available in 2023.

  • Mike

    Hi Daniela,

    Sadly this is not going to make it in for 2023. It is still on the roadmap though, so we're hopeful for sometime in 2024. I'll get you added to our list and will continue to keep y'all updated. Thanks again and happy Friday!


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