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Updates to XBRL filing exhibits



7 條評論

  • Barbara Wheeler

    Hi Mike -- I just created the filing (actual copied it using the new functionality) for an upcoming 8-K.  It generated 4 of the 5 XBRL files when I was expecting it to generate 3 based on this post.  It no longer generated EX-101.CAL, but did generate EX-101.DEF and the other 3.  Any idea why it generated EX-101.DEF?

  • Mike

    Hi Barbara!

    Great question, and the good news is we have an answer :)

    To confirm, are there any XBRL extensions present in your filing (potentially for entity or share information)? If so, then we'd anticipate the EX-101.DEF to be created. Does that seem to be the case for you?

  • Barbara Wheeler

    No, none of our 25 XBRL tags on this 8-K is a custom tag.

  • Mike

    Thanks for confirming that, Barbara.

    Turns out I spoke too soon. In addition to extensions, a DEF file will exist also if hypercubes are found, i.e. axis and members. Is that possibly the case for you?

  • Barbara Wheeler

    Yes, that is the case.  We do have two types of securities on our cover (common stock and senior notes) so they have dimensions.  However, this is not the case for our subsidiary, Forestar, and when I created their filing and generated XBRL it also produced 4 XBRL files.  If it’s not hurting anything to be filing the DEF file, I won’t worry about it.  I was just expecting our total to go from 5 to 3 based on recent communications.

  • Bryan Gregston

    Hi Mike,

    I think this information showed up as a blue popup window when we logged into Wdesk at some point, but we were trying to go back to it and were struggling to find it.  Is there a repository of those popup announcements within the support section of the site?


  • Mike

    Hi Bryan!

    I believe you are referring to what are called "Tours". Currently there's not a customer-facing repository of these pop-ups, but we have been working on a so-called "resource center" where items like previous Tours could be found and looked at again.

    I'm happy to share your interest here with that team and keep you updated as things progress there. Let me know what questions you have for me in the meantime. Cheers, and happy Friday!

