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XBRL Tagging



3 條評論

  • Mike

    Hi Loyda!

    Thanks for reaching out. If I follow correctly and the new table was copied, it sounds like the two tables might be linked. If so, that would bring over the XBRL tied to the first table. To fix this, you'd need to unlink the values in the new table and relink them to separate cells in your source Spreadsheet so that the two tables can have separate XBRL tagging applied. We would also recommend reloading your XBRL in Workiva after relinking to make sure the linking change and XBRL changes takes effect. Does that make sense?

    Let me know if that does not resolve your issue or if I've missed the mark. Thanks again and chat soon!

  • Jake Roldan

    Hi Mike ... I am having a similar issue with my statement of cash flows. Two separate rows are being tagged with the same tag even after I follow the steps you suggested above. Is there anything else I am missing? Also, what do you mean by reloading XBRL?


    Tagging Mike for visibility.

  • Mike

    Apologies for the delay Jake Roldan. These two rows have separate links, correct? By reloading XBRL, I mean to toggle the Show XBRL off and on.

    Let me know what follow-ups you have. Thanks!

