Next Gen XBRL - highlight shading needs to be brighter
Does anyone else find it quite difficult to see the highlight shading for next gen iXBRL when looking at the your documents? I need to turn off highlighting to show the dark green triangles but it is still a pain to catch untagged items. In Classic, the shading was much different from the normal cell color and so the untagged cells jumped out. Could the highlighting color be made either darker or much more noticeable from the the regular EDGAR blue??
Hi Barbara!
I don't spend much time in XBRL these days, so I just jumped into a next gen Doc to see with my own eyes. I would tend to agree, it does seem somewhat subdued. I'm happy to pass this feedback along to our Product Team. And certainly if others would like this enhancement or have other suggestions, share your ideas below in a comment or vote up this idea.
As always, give me a holler if you need anything else, or have additional questions. Thanks for your suggestions and have a super day!
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