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NextGen, iXBRL and Fast Act compliance for Non-accelerated filers



4 條評論

  • Rachael Abdelkhalek

    Hi Kristin,

    Thank you for reaching out and asking a great question! Since you are not required to file with Inline XBRL at this time tagging the cover page is optional. However, we recommend that filers working with Inline XBRL tag the cover page.


    Happy Tagging!

  • Kristin Hughes

    Thanks for this Rachael. If we start tagging the cover page of our Q3 10-Q, do you know if that means we will be required to start tagging our 8-K cover pages for every 8-K we file after this upcoming Q (prior to our deadline of Q2 2021)? - Kristin

  • Rachael Abdelkhalek

    Hi Kristin,

    Inline XBRL requirements are on a filing by filing basis. The 8-K is a stand alone document subject to Inline adoption based on your company’s Inline deadline. If your deadline is 2021, tagging the 8-K cover page would be considered early adoption and optional.

    Cheers, Rachael

  • Kristin Hughes

    Thanks, this is super helpful, cheers!

