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Validation Warning



7 條評論

  • Mike

    Hi Mary!

    Happy to help answer your question.

    In checking with our team on this, we did not receive the "Hidden fact" warning for the CIK concept (Entity Central Index Key), however we have seen something like this before when the CIK value was formatted to number instead of text. Is this possibly the case for you?

    Let me know if so, or if I've missed the mark entirely, and I'll be happy to keep digging. Thanks for participating in our AMA today and have a great rest of your day!

  • Mary Gebby

    Hi Mike, 

    We do have it formatted as text, but we are still getting the error.

    Do you have any other suggestions?



  • Mike

    Gotcha. Thanks for the added info, Mary.

    Perplexing indeed! Perhaps you can verify the “Reference Section” for the Cover Page non-printing subsection of your XBRL outline to make sure all is kosher there. I'll keep digging in the meantime. Thanks again and talk soon.

  • Mary Gebby

    Hi Mike, 

    What do you mean by verify the reference section? 

  • Mike

    Hi Mary!

    No worries. Here's some steps on what I'm describing.

    Right click on that section of the XBRL outline and choose Edit Subsection.
    From there, can verify that the Reference Section is set to 995100 - Document - Cover and the Tagging Level is set to Level 0 for both the section and subsection for the cover page XBRL outline.

    Check that out and let me know if this is the case, or you have any questions. Cheers!
  • Mary Gebby

    It is, but we do not have a separate section in the outline for the DEI- it is all under the cover page with the CIK tag in that outline but the link/tag in the DEI (not on the cover page). Do we need to build a separate DEI section in the outline?

  • Mike

    Thanks for the added info there. Very helpful.

    Your setup there is okay; all of the cover page facts should be in the same XBRL outline section as the DEI/non-printing section facts. Your reference section also looks good, but we did notice that your root abstract is incorrect, i.e. it appears to be an extended one. We recommend you update that root abstract to the standard one:
    Not sure if that would resolve the error not. Also, you may have already tried but it was suggested to try deleting and typing in the CIK value again.  Sometimes there is a space or something that can't be seen.
    Let me know how that shakes out or if you need anything else. Talk soon!
