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XBRL Text Block is Invalid



7 條評論

  • 正式評論

    My first thought was whether you applied a concept other ​T​han a [Text Block]. For example, did you inadvertently select a [Policy Text  Block] or [Table Text Block]? You’ll want to make sure it’s just a [Text  Block].

    ​I'd s​a​y ​double-check ​and also if track changes are enabled too. ​Let me know what you find​. ​Thanks!
  • David Ash

    So it can't be that because these are the same text blocks that we had on our 10-K which we filed a couple months ago without the issue. I thought it might have been a deprecated concept, but we migrated for the 10-K and didnt have the issue.

  • David Ash
    I've had that error before, but this is a text block for an entire footnote, so would changes, hidden tables, verbiage changes, etc., have an impact on that? 
  • David Ash

    Just wanted to say that accepting the track changes worked! Thanks for that suggestion!!

  • Sally Hui

    Hi , How to create text block in NextGen? I can't find this feature in NextGen.

  • Mike

    Hi Sally,

    In next gen, to create a text block tag, simply select the chunk of text you are looking to tag and from the XBRL tab, click the Create Fact + button.

    Then, from there you can select the text block type tag from the search window. In the right-hand panel for Fact Details, click Select Concept and search the Concept Selector for the tag. After you apply it, you'll need to add a date to the tag, but at this point your text block is tagged.

    Hopefully this helps. Let me know what questions you have for me or if you need anything else. Happy Friday!


  • Sally Hui

    Thanks Mike and have a good weekend!

