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How do you tag a range of years so it is iXBRL compatible?



9 條評論

  • Trisha Kassner
    Hi Jess! Are you tagging the range "2020 - 2026" or each year individually?
  • Jess Scalzo
    We tag each year individual and dimensionalize with a min/max members and range axis.

    Any thoughts?
  • Trisha Kassner

    Hmmm...seems like that should work. Is the value format set as "Date" and only the year CCYY is used? If you right click on the validation error, does it provide any further information, like a reference to the Edgar Filing Manual?
  • Jess Scalzo
    How would you format 2020 using CCYY? Would it be CCYY2020 in the source cell?

    I think this could be my issue since its not formatted like we do other time periods. For example we disclosure "5.28 years" as P5Y3M10D in the source.

    There isn't a reference to the edgar filing manual, unfortunately!
  • Trisha Kassner
    It would just need to be the year 2020, not 1/1/2020 or January 2020 in the source cell, etc. Then the value format would be Date and not Period, Accounting, Number, etc.
  • Jess Scalzo
    Nope - no luck! I think it has to do with how we've created the extension tag.
  • Trisha Kassner
  • McKinney Holland
    Jess - I believe the old format of "P5Y3M10D" for example, isn't used for iXBRL. ...
  • Mike

    Great conversation all! You are simply amazing :)

    To piggy back off Trisha, in Wdesk, you would want to make sure the links are formatted as a "Date". This should help clear the error you are seeing.

    If you are still seeing the error, I would recommend reaching out to your PSM to take a closer look. And if you don’t have a PSM, your CSM can help arrange something with our Professional Services team to get you the assistance you need. Lastly, I'll add that tagging dates is optional, so you do have the option not to tag this particular disclosure.

    Let me know what questions you have in the meantime. Thanks again and happy Thursday!

