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EFM 6.05.42 XBRL Validation Warning - Deprecated Concepts



10 條評論

  • Trisha Kassner
    I would guess there are deprecated items being used based on the Edgar Filing Manual:

    "6.5.42 Facts, Axes, or Members should not use an element name that has been declared "deprecated" in any version of its standard namespace.Each time the edgartaxonomies.xml file is updated with allowed versions of standard namespaces (see 6.22) newer namespaces are normally accompanied with a list of elements from earlier versions that have been deprecated. Subsequent submissions should no longer use the deprecated elements.

    For example, suppose element Xyz exists in us-gaap 2018 and is used in a submission that is accepted in February 2019. The new us-gaap 2019 taxonomy then deprecates element Xyz. Subsequently, on March 1st, 2019, us-gaap 2019 is added to the standard taxonomies. Subsequently, the submission previously using Xyz will still be accepted but with an XBRL warning."

    You can go under the XBRL tab, Select "Locate" and choose "Deprecated" to check. Hope this helps!
  • Christian Thomas
    I ran the locate deprecated concepts tool and there were no issues found.
  • Trisha Kassner
    Hmmm...What does it say if you right click on the warning and select "View Detailed Information" and then expand "Details" in the pop-up?
  • Christian Thomas
    An unexpected error occurred, please contact your Customer Success Manager [EFM.6.05.42]
    Concept DerivativeInstrumentsGainLossRecognizedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeEffectivePortionNet in us-gaap/2017 used in 8 facts was deprecated in us-gaap/2018 as of 2018-01-31 and should not be used.

    I don't understand why this happening, since we already have used the same tagging for Q1 & Q2 with no issues. It is also bizarre that the locate deprecated concepts tool did not show anything.
  • Trisha Kassner
    It has to do with the new 2018 taxonomy. I had a few weird ones pop up, too. Have you migrated to the 2018 taxonomy? If not, then that could be why the locate isn't working since it is probably checking against the 2017 taxonomy. I would check with your CSM to see if this warning matters if you're still on the 2017 taxonomy and it's just a Workiva nuance.
  • Christian Thomas
    We have not migrated. I will reach out to our CSM. Thank you!
  • Mike
    Great conversation, Christian and Trisha!

    From our understanding about this test, it reviews a defined list of deprecated elements over several taxonomies but does not compare to the current taxonomy in use for your filing. As such, you may be utilizing the 2017 US GAAP Taxonomy, but will still receive warnings around elements that ultimately are deprecated in the 2018 US GAAP Taxonomy. For those situations, no action is actually needed at this time and you can file with those warnings, just be sure to review and replace for deprecated elements from the active taxonomy you are utilizing. Note that Wdesk also has built-in checks to help you identify those items.

    As we hear updates to these rules and how they function, we'll keep you posted. If you have any questions for me on the above or need anything else, give me a holler.

    Have a super day in the meantime. Cheers!
  • Mike
    Hi all!

    Wanted to provide a quick update here.

    For reference to this rule change, see the EFM 6.5.42. Essentially this rule ensures that deprecated XBRL elements are not utilized in a filing. As a result, an XBRL validation warning will appear for all XBRL tagged documents using these deprecated concepts in current and past taxonomies. Your action item here is to replace the deprecated items.

    In addition, this warning message will also appear when using a concept that is deprecated in future taxonomies. In this case, no action is needed in this scenario, the warning should be ignored. Note that you should NOT extend for future taxonomies.

    Updates to Wdesk

    Previously you may have seen the message “An unexpected error occurred, please contact your Customer Success Manager”. We’ve now updated the XBRL Validation Warning message received for these deprecated concept errors to be more explanatory with what you are seeing.

    Below is an example of the new message:

    As always, should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Thanks!

  • David Ash
    Hi Mike, we are having the same issues as mentioned above. I checked and we do not have deprecated concepts, so to me that means its due to the 2018 Taxonomy. We still use the 2017 Taxonomy. 

    During a test filing we received a warning related to these XBRL validation issues. Just want to confirm that we can file with these warnings since the option "fix" appears in the test filing window.

    Thank you,
  • Mike
    Hi David,

    Yes, if you are using the 2017 taxonomy in your filing and you receive the above validation message, you can also ignore the 'fix' message in the Filing Wizard and file with those warnings. This is not specific to only Wdesk filings, as other non-Wdesk filers will also run into this and similarly file with the warning message.

    Hope that helps. Thanks for the follow-up and do let me know if you have any additional questions. Happy filing!
