Data Quality Committee: Latest Round (Version 25)
The Data Quality Committee (DQC) approved a new round of DQC rules for Version 25. The effective date for these rules will be for filings submitted on or after December 1, 2024. The DQC plug-in tool has been updated and released in the Workiva platform. Round 25 includes three new rules.
Each new rule is described below and you can click on the link in the name of the rule to take you to the rule published by the XBRL® US Data Quality Committee.
New rules:
- DQC_190 – Employee Benefit Reporting - This rule contains a number of checks to ensure that the form 11-K (EBP) is completed in compliance with the FASB implementation guide.
- DQC_191 – Proxy - PEO Concepts Recorded with NEO Member - This rule checks proxy filings to ensure that the PEO elements ecd:PeoName, ecd:PeoTotalCompAmt, ecd:PeoActuallyPaidCompAmt are not used with the axis ExecutiveCategoryAxis and member NonPeoNeoMember.
- DQC_192 – Balance Sheet Numerical Scaling - This rule checks if the scale used on monetary amounts reported on the balance sheet is correct.
We also want to remind everyone that DQC 193 that was released as part of Version 24 is now effective as of December 1, 2024 along with the three new rules listed above.
What’s our plan?
As part of our high level of ongoing service and partner in your success, we want to reassure you that Workiva is working tirelessly to anticipate these changes and incorporating them into our platform.
The new rules will appear with the “(DQC)” at the beginning of the validation message.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to let us know here in the Workiva Community. Thanks!
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