Data Quality Committee: Latest Round (Version 23)
The Data Quality Committee (DQC) approved a new round of DQC rules for Version 23. The effective date for these rules will be for filings submitted after May 15, 2024. The DQC plug-in tool has been updated to reflect this change in the Workiva platform. Round 23 includes eleven new rules.
Each new rule is described below and you can click on the link in the name of the rule to take you to the rule published by the XBRL® US Data Quality Committee.
New rules:
DQC 152 – Year List Items Used with Tax Period Axis
- This rule identifies where the filer has used a concept with a data-type of YearListItemType with the axis TaxPeriodAxis. When using an element with this datatype all tax years should be included in a list in a single context. This datatype eliminates the need to break out the tax years using a dimension.
DQC 166 – Facts without Hypercubes
- This rule identifies where the filer has created facts with dimensions that do not fit into a hypercube defined in the extension taxonomy.
DQC 167 – Inconsistent Calculation Roots
- The rule is intended to detect those filings where filers have not defined the calculation linkbase correctly for the Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Statement of Comprehensive Income.
DQC 168 – Tax Reconciliation Calculation
- This rule identifies where the filer has not reported a calculation linkbase for the monetary and rate based tax reconciliation in a 10-K or 20-F filing.
DQC 169 – Calculation in the Parenthetical Disclosure
- This rule identifies where the filer has defined a calculation in the parenthetical disclosure network of a Statement.
DQC 170 – ECD Rule 10b51 Flag Disclosures
- This rule identifies where the filer has not reported the ECD Rule 10b51 Flag Disclosures that should be reported with a value of false if they had no such disclosures to make. The rule identifies if this flag is not reported in 10-K filings with a document period end date after 2023-12-31.
DQC 172 – Reporting Right of use Assets
- The rule detects where filers have reported RightofuseAssets but not included it on the Statements and have used the element PropertyPlantAndEquipment instead of the correct element PropertyPlantAndEquipmentIncludingRightofuseAssets.
DQC 173 – IFRS Transition Elements
- This rule identifies concepts in the IFRS taxonomy that are being transitioned and that should not be used in filings after 2023-01-01.
DQC 175 – Litigation Settlement Roll Forward Elements
- This rule identifies where the LitigationSettlementAmountAwardedFromOtherParty or LitigationSettlementAmountAwardedToOtherParty concepts role up into an income statement account.
DQC 176 – US-GAAP Elements used in IFRS Filings
- This rule identifies where filers have reported a US-GAAP element in an IFRS filing.
DQC 177 – Addition of PEO and Nonpeo Compensation Adjustments
- This rule applies to proxy disclosures. This rule identifies where filers have reported an adjustment compensation amount that does not tie to the difference between the total compensation amount (PeoTotalCompAmt, NonPeoNeoAvgTotalCompAmt) and the actual compensation amount paid (PeoActuallyPaidCompAmt, NonPeoNeoAvgCompActuallyPaidAmt).
One New Rule has Effective date in July 2024
Please note one new rule introduced in V23 for DQC 171 will not be effective until filings after July 15, 2024 as rule modifications are currently in process.
DQC 171 – ASU 201613 Transition Elements
- This rule identifies where the filer has reported ASU 2016-13 Transition elements in the filing.
What’s our plan?
As part of our high level of ongoing service and partner in your success, we want to reassure you that Workiva is working tirelessly to anticipate these changes and incorporating them into our platform. Since Workiva is a cloud-based software, we are able to quickly adapt to these changes, unlike a traditional software that may require IT work.
The new rules will appear with the “(DQC)” at the beginning of the validation message.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to let us know here in the Workiva Community. Thanks!
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