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How to identify where the deprecated items in the document



5 條評論

  • Isaac Oard

    Hi Max

    I have a few questions here to get you the help you need. Do you need help finding the concept being called out? If so, you can use the locate feature. Do you need help to figure out how to resolve the issue once you know where the concepts are used? If this is the case, then we can do a DIY request. Please let me know which approach would be better for you or if you have any other questions. 

  • Max

    Thanks Isaac Oard - this helped - out of curiosity what is a DIY request? 

  • Isaac Oard

    Hi Max This is basically Customers without an XBRL services contract are able to have PS support on an hourly basis. 

  • Max

    Hi Isaac Oard - yes I am interested in the DIY services to step in and assist in clearing the errors in our document. 

  • Isaac Oard

    Hi Max I see this has been taken care of. Glad we were able to get you the help needed.


