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Office Hours: Collaboration Tools



4 條評論

  • Andrew McKenzie

    Just curious Liz Walters, Mike what the differences are between the Beverage Breaks and the Office Hours sessions—they seem eerily similar. Different intended audience? I.e., if I sign up for both am I doing something wrong or misunderstanding the intended purpose?

  • Mike

    Hi Andrew!

    Indeed, they are somewhat similar. Generally speaking, Beverage Breaks are aimed at providing networking opportunities while Office Hours was more instructional. The audiences did differ at times, though there was cross over too. That said, Beverage Breaks will continue this year, but Office Hours will not, so that should help avoid confusion.

  • Andrew McKenzie

    Thanks Mike. It's clear now that it was inadvertent / only a glitch, but I received a set of e-mail invitations for these Office Hours events yesterday and therefore assumed they were all upcoming / scheduled for 2024.

  • Mike

    Yeah, apologies there. I realized afterwards there may be some confusion. Moving the posts over would have prompted a subscription email, so it might have looked like a new offering, though it was actually already completed. Sorry about that.

