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Conditional Formatting in Presentations from Spreadsheet Data



4 条评论

  • Stephanie Redcliffe

    In addition, heat mapping would be hugely helpful, as currently exists in excel

  • Mike

    Hi Stephanie!

    Thanks for your interest here. I want to make sure I gather your feedback correct.

    In charts today, at least for Scatterplots, you can add this gradient option, for example.

    Are you looking for more a gradient in a shape, or something else? Let me know if I've missed the mark or you have any follow-ups. Cheers and happy Friday!

  • Stephanie Redcliffe

    Hi Mike, thanks for the quick response! We use heat mapping in tables - so shading from green for the lowest numbers to red for the highest, for example. We struggle to use the usual conditional formatting as the numbers change - so one week we might have a range where 50 is green and 80 is red, but the next week the lowest number (which is therefore green) is 82, and as a result we have to rework all of the conditions we have put in. 

  • Mike

    No problem, Stephanie. Thank you for the detailed info. That does make sense, and is an awesome suggestion. I will get this going on our end and will be in touch.

